What makes your gears grind in games?

(Chilled Sanity) #1

Getting fucked over by the developers (cough EA cough)

Frustrating learning curve


or just plainly getting fucked over… such as


The anonymity of the Internet which magically causes people to be five times tougher and smarter than they actually are. Also, blasting music in their mics. If it’s not my music, turn that garbage off. Pre-order ‘deals’ and bs marketing pisses me off too.

(Chilled Sanity) #3

@Wintergreen said:
The anonymity of the Internet which magically causes people to be five times tougher and smarter than they actually are. Also, blasting music in their mics. If it’s not my music, turn that garbage off. Pre-order ‘deals’ and bs marketing pisses me off too.

So your average level 8-10 over-confident DB player


@LoafOfBread said:

@Wintergreen said:
The anonymity of the Internet which magically causes people to be five times tougher and smarter than they actually are. Also, blasting music in their mics. If it’s not my music, turn that garbage off. Pre-order ‘deals’ and bs marketing pisses me off too.

So your average level 8-10 over-confident DB player

Right. On a related but somewhat off topic note, I find the reactions towards experienced or good lower leveled folks even funnier. This applies to any game, really. I’m a “level 30-somethin’ that plays like a 100. I’m a smurf with a VAC ban and having played DB on 2 accounts with a private profile is IRREFUTABLE PROOF OF HACKS.”

The Internet is cute. So, yeah, gotta say unhinged whiners and raging people both grinds my gears and provides entertainment.

(TheStrangerous) #5

Console exclusivity or timed exclusivity, mindless apologists (or fanboys) justifying bad practices.

Tribal behavior between fans of separate products.

Microtransactions in retail priced games (seriously WHY AREN’T THEY BANNED?!).

Slow paced/cover/ADS based shooting mechanics (What happened to my stylish John Woo third person shooters?! I want my parkour and running and gunnin’ back! Not sitting behind cover like a wimp!)

! What I want in TPS:
! What modern TPS are like:

(Chilled Sanity) #6

@Wintergreen said:

@LoafOfBread said:

@Wintergreen said:
The anonymity of the Internet which magically causes people to be five times tougher and smarter than they actually are. Also, blasting music in their mics. If it’s not my music, turn that garbage off. Pre-order ‘deals’ and bs marketing pisses me off too.

So your average level 8-10 over-confident DB player

Right. On a related but somewhat off topic note, I find the reactions towards experienced or good lower leveled folks even funnier. This applies to any game, really. I’m a “level 30-somethin’ that plays like a 100. I’m a smurf with a VAC ban and having played DB on 2 accounts with a private profile is IRREFUTABLE PROOF OF HACKS.”

The Internet is cute. So, yeah, gotta say unhinged whiners and raging people both grinds my gears and provides entertainment.

I have a VAC on my account and when I do well with snipers I keep getting called a hacker and I fucking love it

“Oh ma gawd yew heedshotd meh while I was moving and jumping like an autist! WOT YOU HAZ VAC ON YER ACCOUNT HACKER”

Little did he know that I wasted an entire mag and a half just to shoot him :^)


You filthy abomination. Never had a VAC on any account, but somehow private means I do - despite a VAC still being visible whether the profile is private or not. Classic gamer logic. Some people just can’t accept losing.

@TheStrangerous For some reason your post about TPS games made me want to go play Monday Night Combat now. Don’t even know if it’s still alive.

(Chilled Sanity) #8

@Wintergreen said:
You filthy abomination. Never had a VAC on any account, but somehow private means I do - despite a VAC still being visible whether the profile is private or not. Classic gamer logic. Some people just can’t accept losing.

@TheStrangerous For some reason your post about TPS games made me want to go play Monday Night Combat now. Don’t even know if it’s still alive.

Hey its not my fault that some fucking hacker in BO2 comes into the lobby, gives everyone full prestige, all gun challenges and all achievements at once and 3arc doesnt give 2 shits about it

Though I loved the Golden R870 cough

(AlbinMatt) #9

Spending twenty five minutes calculating the ideal strategy to kill three enemies with a squad of six, then missing every shot >85%, and have the enemy squad wipe on the next turn.

Basically, spending time forming plans, and having them fail over menial issues.

(Chilled Sanity) #10

@AlbinMatt said:
Spending twenty five minutes calculating the ideal strategy to kill three enemies with a squad of six, then missing every shot >85%, and have the enemy squad wipe on the next turn.

Basically, spending time forming plans, and having them fail over menial issues.

Ah I dont even need to plan shit, for some reason whenever I play this fucking game I keep missing the broadside of a fucking barn with a fucking Minigun

Literally I just aim at a standing guy, Straight on him, with a dreiss, shoot at him, and my bullets just fucking chip the paint ,no hit.

Its like I’m drawing their fucking outline on a really less fashionable way

(CyberVonCyberus) #11

One of the main things that grind my gears is when a game gets unnecessary hate, almost as if they don’t know how to enjoy anything.
Dark Souls 3 comes to my mind, I’ve seen so many hate threads and people saying Ds2 or Ds1 were the only masterpieces of gaming in existence it made me sick, Ds1 is incredibly flawed and the end game isn’t that fun, people are just blinded by the nostalgia glasses.
Meanwhile Ds2 was a disaster at launch, the vanilla Pve is mostly bad and the really good bosses are in the Dlcs, also while the pvp is good the matchmaking system is by far the worst.

Dark souls isn’t the only game which gets that treatment, there are others I won’t talk about right now.