What is your favourite team of soldiers?

(Shawarmafest) #1

I just recently got the app and would like to hear some ideas for a well-balanced team.

(Crozzton) #2

Guess you play 14 pts atm then.
Most played (as I see) is
Commander with hoo-hah-ar
Sniper (either Otto or Juan) with ottogun Otto is easier to get and you get the rifle along with him
Medic (Kate or Angela) cockler gun ( imo Kate is best but the most expensive

An easier to obtain setup is:
Commander with the cold
Otto and his rifle
Dave and the hoo-hah-ar

Starting with that you can do a more or less painless swap to some of the above :slight_smile:

(tinker) #3


3rd post

(ChaosPinhead) #4

I am playing 26 point matches mostly and I’m using squads similar to this

4- Captain with Pistol (health, blockade, artillery)
6- Juan with Botherer SR (Molotov cocktail)
5- Pete with Otto Semi-Auto (bonus damage)
5- Hippie with Hoo Haa AR (Grenade)
6- Spud with Biffo LMG (RPG)

I swap out Spud and Pete with other units frequently though just to change it up as I like playing with all of them.

(Profit) #5

Balanced teams:
14pt: Commander/AR (artillery), Sniper/Otto, Medic/Cockler
20pt Commander/Cold Auto(cover, artillery), Engineer/Hamjack, Medic/Cockler, Sniper/Botherer
26pt Commander/Cold Auto(cover, artillery, medkit), Engineer/Hamjack, Medic/Cockler, Sniper/Botherer, +1 (Try an LMG on either Dave, Ivan, or Spud, another engie with hamjack is fun, or add another sniper with a Botherer or melee if you really want to be a dick :wink: )

(Doom-Xx) #6

I usually use Marx, Dave and Captain in 14pt matches

(Hot-Wire) #7

The one that wins.

I do fall back to using Carlito and Angela in 14 point games, which I’ve been playing more of these days.

(ChaosPinhead) #8

Well It’s cheesy as all get out but… Juan, Juan, Kate, Kate, Angie, Captain lol. Fire, Fire, Gas, Gas, Bees