what is that Font?

(GreenBanana) #1

i really want to know what font they are using in the: ‘SIGN UP FOR BETA’ sign. it looks awesome!

(NuclearSharkhead) #2

It’s the same one used for a lot of headlines in the game itself : )

(CannonFodder) #3

I’m guessing it is either a custom font (likely not available to the public) or and existing one but customised for the game.

(evuze) #4

A modified “Gaz Heavy” from Typodermic.

(chippy) #5

My bets are on a modified Stratum from Process Type Foundry.

(TheNinth) #6

Looks like some kind of unholy mix of Butterbelly + Motion Control + Almaq Refined and then some more edits.

EDIT: Definitely a custom font.

(Thai-San) #7

I’m pretty sure it’s a slightly (some edges are cut off) modified version of Stratum 1 black.


(CC_FANG) #8

It’s a custom font, I can verify that.

(Ardez1) #9

Any chance it could be shared? :slight_smile:

(CC_FANG) #10

Any chance it could be shared? :)[/quote]

That would not be up to me, sorry. You could ask @MissMurder

(Ardez1) #11

cough cough(clickhere) cough cough


(Thai-San) #12


I love you


(Ingfreak) #13

thx dude <3

(Ardez1) #14


Updated link for the font because I accidentally moved the source file location some time back. Oopsie.

(Lord.Eblis) #15

Thanks a lot for that one :slight_smile: