What if we had skins for achievements?

(Press E) #1

So, random thought, what if we could complete particularly challenging achievements to unlock unique weapon and merc skins?
And not just stuff like “play 100 hours with turtle in your squad”, but instead something like “kill 3 players with one shot as vassili” or “kill an entire team with a single airstrike”, or even just stuff like “revive 40 people in a single match” and “disable the EV 10 times”. Stuff that’s hard to do, but at the same time isn’t just some tedious progression mission, and doesn’t encourage players to basically throw the match just to try to get an achievement.

Now, I know what you’re gonna say. “But Starchy Sack, that would take a lot of work. How can you justify that instead of adding a 5th sniper no one asked for?”
Achievements are a lot of people’s reasons for playing games, or at least staying in them. Lots of people also love skins, as evident by the amount of people who hate ranked but play it anyways just so they can dress in purple. It’s way more engaging to try to revive 40 people than it is to grind a billion matches for some fragments, meaning people have something to actually work towards besides a bundle of credits. And actually getting a meaningful reward for doing something challenging like this is more encouragement to keep playing.

What are your thoughts on this? Should DB give out skins for particularly challenging achievements? Not just some grindy achievement, but something that requires active effort?

(DB Genome editor) #2

Sadly rewards for extraordinarily difficult or rare achievements are likely to lead to farming. You said it yourself:

(…) and doesn’t encourage players to basically throw the match just to try to get an achievement.

Do you think everybody will try to be the best medic they can to get those 40 revives, or some of them will join a server with a couple of friends, run off in a corner and start killing + reviving each other?

Personally any reward obtained like that is worthless, but some people seem to think otherwise. And the more valuable the reward, the more likely it is that some idiot will be willing to ruin the game for everyone else in order to get it… :’(

(Press E) #3

@Djiesse said:
Sadly rewards for extraordinarily difficult or rare achievements are likely to lead to farming. You said it yourself:

(…) and doesn’t encourage players to basically throw the match just to try to get an achievement.

Do you think everybody will try to be the best medic they can to get those 40 revives, or some of them will join a server with a couple of friends, run off in a corner and start killing + reviving each other?

Personally any reward obtained like that is worthless, but some people seem to think otherwise. And the more valuable the reward, the more likely it is that some idiot will be willing to ruin the game for everyone else in order to get it… :’(

Achievement farming is always going to be a thing though. Hell, I’ve seen a lot of people farm XP in matches by killing and reviving each other or planting and defusing in some secluded corner of the map. It wouldn’t be a stretch to think people would do that to get the existing achievements for weapon kills and such either. And as far as I know, SD bans for that.
Besides, the way DB maps are laid out, it’s not very easy to farm without someone walking in and disrupting you. Every case of farming I’ve run into has been on a next to empty server. Doing that with other players is far less efficient.

It doesn’t matter whether or not you like skins, because a lot of people do. As I said, just looked at the majority of ranked players. At the very least, it’s more rewarding than a small notification on the bottom of your screen.

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #4

I’d love to see this, but it wouldn’t be too hard to get people together and say “Hey stand in a line so I can get the Skyhammer achievement,” as it’s been said.
But yeah, I would still really like to see some more skins especially for vets and skilled players.

(Splicerrr) #5

I would like to see special edition cards for reaching a certain level. Or even weapon cards would be nice.

(FalC_16) #6

I hit like while reading hlafwaythrough your post @STARRYSOCK . Currently i can care less about achievements as they are not giving you any reward whatsoever.

Whats the point of grinding them then.