What if Bushwhacker has an assault rifle?


What if our good friend Bushwhacker got better weapons for long range?

I know Guardian is getting an assault rifle, and think that maybe Bushwhacker could use that rifle too.

The SMG9 remains a bit underwhelming on him, so maybe that could be axed to give Bushwhacker a little more firepower.

(TheStrangerous) #2

So far it’s been an exclusive thing for Fire Support and Assault group, until Guardian came…
However Guardian’s and odd case for a medic, since she’s more like a hybrid.

But even so, then augments would need a rework. Balancing power levels between the weapon set and augment set.

With some new weapons, which arrived with new mercs, there have been speculation on Gen 3 cards, including them for old mercs.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t SD say they didn’t wanna swap merc’s weapons? The only ones so far were Kira’s cricket bat for katana, and Phantom’s knives for katana and cricket bat.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #3

Blishlok is Bushwhacker’s long range weapon. It’s great for taking out bad snipers.


@Mr.Cuddlesworth said:
Blishlok is Bushwhacker’s long range weapon. It’s great for taking out bad snipers.

Actually, I really like Bushwhacker’s long range play style and think that it should be emphasized. I really like the Blishlock in particular.

(henki000) #5

Grandeur for mr. bush. Plus something that can skin crocodiles and hes perfect.


Balance and practicality aside, I’ve always thought a Dreiss or M4 would suit the theme of his character.

(Sorotia) #7

Honestly Turtle should get a assault rifle before Bush

(Demolama) #8

At one point in turtle’s development he was supposed to get an assault rifle.

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #9

@Sorotia said:
Honestly Turtle should get a assault rifle before Bush

Yeah, I thought he would be the one who gets the BR-16 as his default primary.
Also, am I the only one who thinks that the KEK-10 is good enough to where Bushwhacker doesn’t need an assault rifle?

(JJMAJR) #10

@Sorotia said:
Honestly Turtle should get a assault rifle before Bush

(Guziol) #11

He has a blish. This abomination is pretty much a rifle.

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #12

@Guziol said:
He has a blish. This abomination is pretty much a rifle.

I wouldn’t consider the Blishlok an “abomination”, just hard to control. It’s the Grandeur of SMGs.
I’d still rather use the SMG-9 or the KEK-10, though.

(Guziol) #13

I actually am close to thinking that blish is too good rather than too bad or hard to control.

(LifeupOmega) #14

KEK exists anyway. Neither Turtle nor Bush need ARs, Turtle especially does not need an AR.