What does this Red X mean?

(VonSchpam) #1

What does this Red X Icon in the lower middle of my HUD mean?

(Nail) #2

it means you used someone’s config maker and it’s watermarked so he knows it


(Singh400) #3

No idea, but a couple of my friends have the same thing. It’s in the place of the lagometer. Maybe it doesn’t render correctly for some?

(BMXer) #4

its the lagOmeter!

Enabling net_clientLagOMeter will give you that fancy red X.

This game was ported from a console version of the game and in the console version there is no need for stuff like a lagOmeter, among other things. :wink:

(Singh400) #5

[QUOTE=BMXer;306526]Enabling net_clientLagOMeter will give you that fancy red X.[/quote]Not for me it doesn’t. The Lagometer displays fine for me.

(VonSchpam) #6

So the LagOMeter is pointless since there is no artwork for it?