What does OP actually mean?

(watsyurdeal) #1

Out of Practice
I can’t beat this

What do people actually mean when they say it’s op?

(Demonic_Muff1n) #2

op is the short form for ‘overpowered’

(watsyurdeal) #3

But it’s used so often that’s not what it actually means anymore.

(neverplayseriou) #4

it’s used so often because there are way to many op weapons in db…

(watsyurdeal) #5

Or…people use it as an excuse

For example, if I call Vasilli op, because he can kill me instantly with a headshot? Is he really op, or am I just being biased because I can’t adapt to dealing with him?


It means so-and-so killed me and I’m not happy 'bout it 'cause I can’t face reality and acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, I died because I suck.

Javelin = so OP I can’t breathe
Nader = no skill spam spam spam martyrdom super-duper OP
Thunder = cheap OP stun
Phoenix = no effort heals OP and hax self revives
Fragger = OP 'nade and OP cooldown
Arty = airstrike spam OP
Kira = laser OP
Aura = camping health station OP
Vassili = spotting OP and camping OP
Rhino = shotgun OP, health OP, no skill mini-gun OP
Redeye = smoke OP and Grandeur OP despite being nerfed into oblivion and impossible to aim with
Proxy = bunny hopping OP, nuclear pancake OP makes me rage OP
Fletcher = OP pre patch, OP post patch, OP next patch
Sparks = ranged heal OP, she too fast can’t shoot her OP
Bushwhacker = lock-on turret OP
Phantom = try hard OP and da EMP too OP
Stoker = panic molly OP, new impact damage OP
AUG/BR = OP 'cause I can’t aim or fathom a counter

Oops, almost forgot Turtle!
Turtle = Turkish accent OP, shielded MG camp OP

Thus, after all is said and done, Aimee, Sawbones, and Skyhammer are the only mercs who aren’t OP. But stop right there and hold that thought! It’s worth noting Aimee can camp and Skyhammer has a BR. I think we can c-c-conclusively conclude they are OP as a result. Sawbones is perfect. Get your crap together, SD.

! Next merc = OP because he/she is OP. I love how OP Dirty Bomb is. Long live playin’ dirty.

(Greehn) #7

@watsyurdeal said:
But it’s used so often that’s not what it actually means anymore.

You mean just like the phrase “literally cancer”?

It doesn’t matter how a bunch of illiterate children use it online, it still has a proper meaning when it comes down to it.

(AlbinMatt) #8

For me, I define OP as relating to the “path of least resistance” theory. If something is efficient at its performance, and yet requires less skill or investment than other options, then it is OP.

(GatoCommodore) #9

need context

OP could mean @watsyurdeal (Original Poster)

(Your worst knifemare.) #10

OP means fun to kill for me.