Well, Howdy! New to the forums.

(AlchoTS) #1

Im Alcho! I no-lifed Brink for a large portion of my late childhood/ young teen days and i loved the game. But now I’ve been playing Dirty Bomb and i downloaded it around the time they dropped the starter pack on steam for 30 bucks. I bought that and have loved it since.
It had a hell of a learning curve but i eventually got used to it and even found someone i always have in my squad.
Bushwhacker2gud :eek:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgg2EUp9Vf4 heres some gameplay of me playing Dirty Bomb from a few years back.
its weird to think i did this in 2015, and it still bothers me to this down how annoying i was.
well, its grand to meet you all, and i hope we can all play sometime!

Stay classy, you beautiful mu-fukas.

(DarkangelUK) #2

Welcome! i hope you’ve at least learned that you run faster with your knife out :stuck_out_tongue:

(Gordieni) #3

welcome! :slight_smile:

(Affirmaudiox12) #4

Hey AlchoTS :slight_smile: , Welcome to Warchest Forums hope you have a Good Time in Here…