Welcome to WarChest!

(Mateos) #21

Vertical integration… Future has never looked so bright :slight_smile:

(rookie1) #22

RAD Soldiers Teaser Trailer - iPad iPhone iPod Touch


(Nail) #23

Great idea doing everything yourselves, it’s about freakin’ time. Glad you guys figured it out

Best of luck, maybe this will show people how dedicated you are to games and gamers

(hellreturn) #24

Looking forward for new games! :slight_smile:

(Pytox) #25

Cant’ wait for the PC title

(LaVaGoD) #26

Looking forward to what comes from this!

(wolfnemesis75) #27

Cool stuff been going down around here… WOW!

(BaronZaraguin) #28

very interesting…awesome graphics, funny…looks great

(Joe999) #29

interesting times ahead of us :smiley:

(GlobalWar) #30

I think this is a great move. Can’t wait to see what this is going to bring us.

(otakustar) #31

will it integrate with gface?

(Hewster) #32

[QUOTE=Nail;398170]Great idea doing everything yourselves, it’s about freakin’ time. Glad you guys figured it out

Best of luck, maybe this will show people how dedicated you are to games and gamers[/QUOTE]

This ^^^^^^

Congats to all of you, I think this is an awesome move :slight_smile:


(Singh400) #33

Yay - I can finally login! WOOT!

(king_troll) #34

email activation doesnt work, you get the email, and then the site cannot find the account when you click on the link in the email, it obviously doesnt matter, you can still post if you click the back button

(badman) #35

Sir king_troll,

We’re actually showing your account as properly activated and verified - did you get multiple activation emails by any chance?


(kilL_888) #36

heck, it’s about time we see a new proper shooter from splash damage. brink actually looks pretty decent retrospectively but sadly no one plays anymore. the parkour thing was just freakin’ awsome andif there is one aspect from brink that should get implemented into splash damage’s new game (in fact all first person shooters) then it’s the parkour system.

hope sd sticks to their root and don’t go mobile all the way in the distant future.

(Christophicus) #37

It’s great to see you guys taking charge and pulling all elements from concept to delivery in-house (or close enough :stuck_out_tongue: ). I’m very much looking forward to seeing Splash Damage demonstrating how to do things properly to the rest of the industry :slight_smile: .

(light_sh4v0r) #38

Congrats on the acquisition, I hope you can prove it to be worthwhile :slight_smile:

(Dormamu) #39

I’m late to this Party, but hey, this is good news! I am glad you thrown away your contract chains and made this dream posible. The days when you wanted to tell us something about your game and was unable to do so becouse of some contract are long gone! Hip Hip Hurrray!!! :smiley:
Rejoice, O faithful one, your sorrows will soon be over! :smiley:

(Donnovan) #40

Its like a Dream. People say here world will end at september 2012, may be it will just begins out from a long and hard ignition.