Weekend Gaming

(tinker) #1

Hey guys. It’s been a while…

as many of you are probably as sad as I am about the current activity of the game, the forum and the developers

I still have the strong wish to play Rad Soldiers actively (again) every now and then

I just wondered if there are enough players at least reading here to get some action back… I posted some stuff and got 1000+ reads on everything, but no activity emerged…

So i Just thought, setting a date and planing the activity would result in better feedback…

The idea is simple.

Someone (e.g. me or YOU) sets a date and a time and people who read it and want to… just start matches at that time
extra options like 14/20/26 or quickmatches might be announced as well

a link to a timezone converter http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

I hope to catch your attention
and wish for your participation

with friendly regards

(tinker) #2

My first date

starting friday 18:00CEST (utc/gmt+2h) the 7.08.2015

till ~ sunday 20:00CEST the 9.08.2015

I will have 20 matches at all time, trying to answer asap with maximum of 12h (sleep and stuff)
some Quick matches as well

all 14pt

hope to see some familiar faces

(Nail) #3

lots of us Chrome types are just SOL, I don’t iPoo

(g00n) #4

love to play a human, but sadly I have 4 year old ipod and chrome dosnt do jack doo doo with my update imac. So waiting badly for alternative to unity system so the game can progress

(Mitsid) #5

Usually I don’t play 14pt, but I miss those great games we had during last Cup, so I will make an exception this time :slight_smile: See you on Friday or Saturday.

(tinker) #6

So, seems there are still a lot of ppl playing Rad Soldiers.

I will accept games for the whole week and try to answer within 12 hours (mostly less)

I prefer 14pt, still testing many setups for 14pt… but I will accept any type

no quick matches though, Trying to get the bugs fixed for that, apparently the pop-up ads seem to slow down my ipad massively, making the game crash over and over after ~15 turns without iPad-restart

(tinker) #7

This Weekend 28th - 30th , starting 18:00 CEST
I will start 20 games and try to answer within max 12h (mostly 1-2h or less), and start new as soon as finished.
14pt still
Mitsid I will send you some :slight_smile:

any 1 up for “serious” gaming, send me invites ( jsut not favela, can’t take that map 100% serious) no matter what pt format.

hope to see some familiar faces

(richarddylan108) #8

I heard from many of friends but not take any experience about Red Soldier game