So i’ve been sitting on 6 weapon kits for over a year trying to put together a Cobalt Fav. Does anyone find this length of time a bit excessive?
Weapons Kits
I was extremely “lucky” last week and got pack of 5 WK so now i got 9(level 36).
It is fine, give it 7-8 years and you can make your fav cobalt.
“Fav” … You still have 33% of chance to get it and can be even the ugly one (not full blue)
I have 10 of them atm,had should been 18 but i crafter a gold one. After all you need 45 for one cobalt ,gl
I’ve used 2 since their release, I now have 26 in my inventory.
Cobalt is the impossible dream. The crap thing, you can still get stuck with garbage secondaries and augments.
@TitaniumRapture said:
I was extremely “lucky” last week and got pack of 5 WK so now i got 9(level 36).
It is fine, give it 7-8 years and you can make your fav cobalt.
And by the time u get enough they will be useless as something else will replace it
Those Weapon Kits aren’t nicely implemented at all, really. Hopefully SD will either give us a way to earn more or just flat out replace them with something better.
@TitaniumRapture said:
I was extremely “lucky” last week and got pack of 5 WK so now i got 9(level 36).
It is fine, give it 7-8 years and you can make your fav cobalt.
That’s funny, but well IT’S TRUE!
They came out so long ago… you think SD would have done sonethibg to make them more accessable by now.
@aminuseternal said:
They came out so long ago… you think SD would have done sonethibg to make them more accessable by now.
why, they’re likely to be transformed/replaced as it looks like they were a test of a loadout mechanic that to me now seems redundant