Weapons Kits

(MaceyKeys) #1

So i’ve been sitting on 6 weapon kits for over a year trying to put together a Cobalt Fav. Does anyone find this length of time a bit excessive?

(pumpkinmeerkat) #2

Everyone does :’(

(TitaniumRapture) #3

I was extremely “lucky” last week and got pack of 5 WK so now i got 9(level 36). :smiley:
It is fine, give it 7-8 years and you can make your fav cobalt.

(Artyrim) #4

“Fav” … You still have 33% of chance to get it and can be even the ugly one (not full blue)

I have 10 of them atm,had should been 18 but i crafter a gold one. After all you need 45 for one cobalt ,gl

(ThePigVomit) #5

I’ve used 2 since their release, I now have 26 in my inventory.

Cobalt is the impossible dream. The crap thing, you can still get stuck with garbage secondaries and augments.

(Mc1412013) #6

@TitaniumRapture said:
I was extremely “lucky” last week and got pack of 5 WK so now i got 9(level 36). :smiley:
It is fine, give it 7-8 years and you can make your fav cobalt.

And by the time u get enough they will be useless as something else will replace it

(Nail) #7

think they will become game pesos soon

(K1X455) #8

15 more WK to go to get my Cobalt Sawdaddy…

(Eox) #9

Those Weapon Kits aren’t nicely implemented at all, really. Hopefully SD will either give us a way to earn more or just flat out replace them with something better.

(NK.NewNightmare) #10

@TitaniumRapture said:
I was extremely “lucky” last week and got pack of 5 WK so now i got 9(level 36). :smiley:
It is fine, give it 7-8 years and you can make your fav cobalt.

That’s funny, but well IT’S TRUE!

(Sorotia) #11

Yeah…I’m sitting on 15…got nothing to do with them really.

(aminuseternal) #12

They came out so long ago… you think SD would have done sonethibg to make them more accessable by now.

(Nail) #13

@aminuseternal said:
They came out so long ago… you think SD would have done sonethibg to make them more accessable by now.

why, they’re likely to be transformed/replaced as it looks like they were a test of a loadout mechanic that to me now seems redundant