weapone of soldiers usually automatic change

(David31) #1


I found that the weapon of soldiers usually automatic change.

For example…

Although I bought a shotgun for Megan and went to barrack equipped it,

she automatic equipped hammer in barrack after a game had her equipped hammer
(because I hadn’t bought the shotgun when starting the game)

then I had to went back to barrack and set again…

Is it a reasonable design or just a bug? It’s annoying me a lot…

(Thor) #2

It depends where you enter the barracks from I’ve found. If you go to the barracks from the main screen and setup the weapons then those are the default weapons they will have when you join a game. If you are joining a game, or starting one, and hit barracks from there then it only alters the weapon load-outs for that one game.

Update: Never mind, it doesn’t seem to matter which place you enter the barracks from, it does seem to forget regardless. That’s unfortunate.