Weapon Skins?

(Steve_Harvey) #1

I read these words. I almost died.

If this means what I think it means cough cough community market wheeze microtransactions…

Don’t do that, devs. If it DOESN’T mean that, good! I think maybe customizable skins would be cool. Like choose what gold skin you want, add decals and stuff like that.

EDIT: I watched the Dev Vid now. Now my question is, What kind of skins do you guys want? I personally want some red and black M4 Skins.

(Nail) #2

there is NO market

(FalC_16) #3

So now you ca equip your obsidian skins to any loadout of your desire. Or have i missed something.

(aminuseternal) #4

So Far it looks like you can swap out the weapons on loadout cards. On the video it was: card, weapon, trinket l weapon.

So I don’t know if that means that you can swap out primaries/secondaries or what since they didnt show much.

The new weapon skins look alright, they really didn’t show that much but cases for weapon skins? Really? I was interested up until then. Just let us buy what we want already…

Edit: Yeah looking at the video a second time it looks like you can only really swap out the skins for the weapon. So I am now wondering what exactly will you be able to swap out.

Anyways I kinda liked what they showed. I really liked the elite weapon skins in TitanFall 2 and would like to see some stuff like those.

(TheStrangerous) #5

Is anyone really surprised they’re only available in lootboxes?


(Nail) #6

it’s weapon skins not weapons