Walking near walls causes 'warp jump'

(Rex) #1

Zero and me were investigating a bug yesterday:

If you walk on stairs close to the wall, or in general walking close to walls on some locations it will happen quite often that your model will jump up and down very fast. You just warp along or up the stairs whereas the hitbox is at the right place as it stays on the real position of the player. But the “Fata Morgana” model is jumping around, also even very high.

This happens almost everywhere, as you can see how many pictures we took on different locations.

[0847.19] Log: Log file open, 04/05/13 23:47:05
[0847.19] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.05-23.47.05 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0847.19] Log: MapName: OBJ_Camden
[0847.19] Log: Description: 
[0847.19] Log: BugItGo -2661.0276 3904.6917 2970.3181 -4212 -15008 0
[0847.19] Log: ?BugLoc=-2661.03,3904.69,2970.32?BugRot=-4212,-15008,0
[0847.19] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0847.19] Log: Log file closed, 04/05/13 23:47:05

[1270.74] Log: Log file open, 04/05/13 23:54:08
[1270.74] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.05-23.54.08 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[1270.74] Log: MapName: OBJ_Camden
[1270.74] Log: Description: 
[1270.74] Log: BugItGo -1854.9453 2618.6018 2801.2644 860 -127 0
[1270.74] Log: ?BugLoc=-1854.95,2618.60,2801.26?BugRot=860,-127,0
[1270.74] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[1270.74] Log: Log file closed, 04/05/13 23:54:08

[1275.30] Log: Log file open, 04/05/13 23:54:13
[1275.30] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.05-23.54.13 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[1275.30] Log: MapName: OBJ_Camden
[1275.30] Log: Description: 
[1275.30] Log: BugItGo -1854.9453 2618.6018 2801.2644 860 -127 0
[1275.30] Log: ?BugLoc=-1854.95,2618.60,2801.26?BugRot=860,-127,0
[1275.30] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[1275.30] Log: Log file closed, 04/05/13 23:54:13

[0109.73] Log: Log file open, 04/06/13 00:02:12
[0109.73] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.06-00.02.12 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0109.73] Log: MapName: OBJ_LondonBridge
[0109.73] Log: Description: 
[0109.73] Log: BugItGo -2539.9702 -4184.0215 352.1500 1072 -7848 0
[0109.73] Log: ?BugLoc=-2539.97,-4184.02,352.15?BugRot=1072,-7848,0
[0109.73] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0109.73] Log: Log file closed, 04/06/13 00:02:12

[0249.35] Log: Log file open, 04/06/13 00:04:31
[0249.35] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.06-00.04.31 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0249.35] Log: MapName: OBJ_LondonBridge
[0249.35] Log: Description: 
[0249.35] Log: BugItGo -1192.3822 -2875.2749 448.1500 -438 21428 0
[0249.35] Log: ?BugLoc=-1192.38,-2875.27,448.15?BugRot=-438,21428,0
[0249.35] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0249.35] Log: Log file closed, 04/06/13 00:04:31

(Rex) #2

[0253.58] Log: Log file open, 04/06/13 00:04:36
[0253.58] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.06-00.04.36 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0253.58] Log: MapName: OBJ_LondonBridge
[0253.58] Log: Description: 
[0253.58] Log: BugItGo -1192.3822 -2875.2749 448.1500 -438 21428 0
[0253.58] Log: ?BugLoc=-1192.38,-2875.27,448.15?BugRot=-438,21428,0
[0253.58] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0253.58] Log: Log file closed, 04/06/13 00:04:36

[0255.22] Log: Log file open, 04/06/13 00:04:37
[0255.22] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.06-00.04.37 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0255.22] Log: MapName: OBJ_LondonBridge
[0255.22] Log: Description: 
[0255.22] Log: BugItGo -1192.3822 -2875.2749 448.1500 -438 21428 0
[0255.22] Log: ?BugLoc=-1192.38,-2875.27,448.15?BugRot=-438,21428,0
[0255.22] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0255.22] Log: Log file closed, 04/06/13 00:04:37

[0479.57] Log: Log file open, 04/06/13 00:08:21
[0479.57] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.06-00.08.21 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0479.57] Log: MapName: OBJ_LondonBridge
[0479.57] Log: Description: 
[0479.57] Log: BugItGo -615.2628 -1813.4565 217.6348 4484 27722 0
[0479.57] Log: ?BugLoc=-615.26,-1813.46,217.63?BugRot=4484,27722,0
[0479.57] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0479.57] Log: Log file closed, 04/06/13 00:08:21

[0549.97] Log: Log file open, 04/06/13 00:09:32
[0549.97] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.06-00.09.32 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0549.97] Log: MapName: OBJ_LondonBridge
[0549.97] Log: Description: 
[0549.97] Log: BugItGo -892.3495 -1007.7031 368.1500 -536 13130 0
[0549.97] Log: ?BugLoc=-892.35,-1007.70,368.15?BugRot=-536,13130,0
[0549.97] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0549.97] Log: Log file closed, 04/06/13 00:09:32

[0734.14] Log: Log file open, 04/06/13 00:12:36
[0734.14] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.06-00.12.36 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0734.14] Log: MapName: OBJ_LondonBridge
[0734.14] Log: Description: 
[0734.14] Log: BugItGo 1064.4586 596.2894 -15.8500 1895 -25344 0
[0734.14] Log: ?BugLoc=1064.46,596.29,-15.85?BugRot=1895,-25344,0
[0734.14] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0734.14] Log: Log file closed, 04/06/13 00:12:36

(Rex) #3

[0735.81] Log: Log file open, 04/06/13 00:12:38
[0735.81] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.06-00.12.38 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0735.81] Log: MapName: OBJ_LondonBridge
[0735.81] Log: Description: 
[0735.81] Log: BugItGo 1064.4586 596.2894 -15.8500 1895 -25344 0
[0735.81] Log: ?BugLoc=1064.46,596.29,-15.85?BugRot=1895,-25344,0
[0735.81] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0735.81] Log: Log file closed, 04/06/13 00:12:38

[0771.42] Log: Log file open, 04/06/13 00:13:13
[0771.42] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.06-00.13.13 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0771.42] Log: MapName: OBJ_LondonBridge
[0771.42] Log: Description: 
[0771.42] Log: BugItGo 1112.6044 602.5093 240.1500 -649 -28178 0
[0771.42] Log: ?BugLoc=1112.60,602.51,240.15?BugRot=-649,-28178,0
[0771.42] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0771.42] Log: Log file closed, 04/06/13 00:13:13

[0925.85] Log: Log file open, 04/06/13 00:15:47
[0925.85] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.04.06-00.15.47 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0925.85] Log: MapName: OBJ_LondonBridge
[0925.85] Log: Description: 
[0925.85] Log: BugItGo 1092.9982 -2665.1375 -46.4093 804 11873 0
[0925.85] Log: ?BugLoc=1093.00,-2665.14,-46.41?BugRot=804,11873,0
[0925.85] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0925.85] Log: Log file closed, 04/06/13 00:15:47

(zeroooo) #4

its hard to get good screenshots… tried our best^^

just try it out, for you its like normal walking, for others you are jumpin up and down…

in the screenshots it sometimes looks like we were jumping, but we didnt jump^^

(MrEd) #5

Yeah, this makes me a sad panda QQ

(Rex) #6

Happening again in Version 33694. Happens all too frequent now.

(titan) #7

bump, this issue is one of the most glaring it’s really bad on stairs inparticular or when walljumping and slapping against collision

(Rex) #8

Still happening in Version 38182.

(zeroooo) #9

Nobody Cares :slight_smile: or they dont know how to fix this xD

(Silvanoshi) #10

Please don’t make this assumption. I know we’ve been quiet on a number of bugs for quite some time, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t want to address them, it’s just a matter of working through the list :). Thank you guys for continuing to raise this point, it’s great for us to know that these continue to be problems.

(Mustang) #11

Or the fix is map clipping which happens when the maps are finished, and we have no finished maps.