VSP Stats Generator

(Kynval) #1

Have some1 a VSP Stats Generator?

I have few problems with it. is there who can help me? :wink:

(WASP.Killer) #2

Have some1 a VSP Stats Generator?

I have few problems with it. is there who can help me? ;)[/QUOTE]


It might be better if you listed the site and said what problems you are having. That way, someone with some PHP coding skills might be willing to make some suggestions.

For anyone interested:

Kynval’s W:ET Stats website - http://templars.2ap.pl/vsp/pub/themes/bismarck/index.php

The code for the site is based on a fork of VSP - http://vsp.goquake.com/ - made for the Excessive Plus Community. While it mostly works for W:ET there are some features which are not working correctly.