vplay animation idea.

(Samurai.) #41

I shall allow you to argue the case for t-bagging implementation on behalf of me :cool:

(rookie1) #42

I wont argue on this ā€¦its my personal opinionā€¦ Thats all !

(rookie1) #43


(INF3RN0) #44

Interesting idea, but really an unnecessary and not very useful feature and probably a waste of time/resources. I wonder what it would look like when someone was spamming vsays lmao!

(acQu) #45

That would be my job :d I was probably the best vsay spammer in W:ET (lol was annoying as hell :D).

examples could be. Wave, beckon, celebrate, tatical hand gestures, warning (two arm wave), Follow me etc etc.[/QUOTE]

Yop, i would use those frequently. Just give me a hand waver and i will frequently point in unimportant and disapropriate directions :smiley:

Ah that would be a hell of a fun :>)

(iwound) #46

At least a vplay would be something varied to do at warmup instead of suicide screams of an engineer girl.
vplay point, teabag, flick the finger, throat cut. so much more rewarding than Waaaaawwww!
Its like Rick Dangerous got a small part in the game.

(Ashog) #47

Haha, true, lately, suicidings in spawn at prematch make me feel like I am in a porn movie - all of those sekseh female screams and moaning :smiley:

Real fun tho :slight_smile:

(Dormamu) #48

Iā€™m happy to be convinced otherwise however.[/QUOTE]
Db being fast, so the standard team hand commands are useless, the probability that your team is looking at you are slim in the rush of a battle, so i rather see you guys implement another visual command signal, only for pub and with the cvars to disable them if someone wants:
The ghosts from the kill cam: Allowed only to the Fire Team leader (to prevent ghost commands spam) to issue a command to a specified location, by pressing a key and his ghost performing that command, the command needs to be simple and specific. They will appear only for your fire team to keep them less intrusive in the general gameplay.
Example: vsay -ā€œPlant a C4ā€ in the vicinity of a barrier/obj. would make your ghost go to that location and start to plant, giving you the freedom to do what you like and the team the visual command of what he needs to do.
Taunts/walks/waving/t-bag/etc- this will need to be braked in 2 categories, also buy-able or unlocked by higher xp:

  1. category (stationary taunts/ in spawn/etc. binded to Alt+numerical keys): allow the ghosts to pop up from your body and perform the taunt/walk/harlem shake/etc when you press the key. To prevent spam and visual cluttering, lock the ghost to the player movement. If the player is not moving (but allow him to rotate, crouch , jump) the ghost will perform the specified taunt. If the player moves, the ghost vanishes or pop back in the player body.
  2. category (in the battle/ binded to numerical key): If a player kills another player and wants to perform a taunt, he will point his crosshair to the downed player and press the num.key corresponding to the taunt he wants to perform. His ghost will pop up from his body go to the specified location where he pointed and perform the taunt (Ex:t-bag) for 5 sec. or until the downed player is gibed/self kill.
    This way the player only needs to point in the right spot for the taunt to be performed and does not need to be locked in an animation. Taunts are thoughts you want to share with other players, using ghosts is somehow less intrusive and still powerful, not requiring your char to perform them
    At the moment in the kill cams we have green and red ghosts, use the green ones to show nice taunts and the red ghosts to show bad taunts, something like the angel/devil on your shoulder we see in movies/games. (You could also let the player chose his ghost taunts he wants to be performed in a kill cam insted of the stationary ghost)
    I donā€™t know of a FPS game using this kind of ghost taunts, so you will have an edge on them :smiley: and also make some money :smiley:

(Ashog) #49

Itā€™d be nice to be able to purchase some sort of a single-use token for some monumental teabag animation or similar. Come to a incapped player. press a use button and your body wil perform the animation. Could be 3 bucks for 1 use. Will be relatively costly and thus seldom, so itā€™d make it an enjoyment for both parties to observe.

(iwound) #50

You thought it was gone forever but nooo the vplay thread is back.


i just read this post. http://forums.warchest.com/showthread.php/37564-Ways-to-monetize-the-game-The-third-finger-pack
and knowing you need a very good reason to have these i resurrected the thread.
sell the vplay packs for hard cash. not the soft stuff.

utterly useless but ultimately profitable and always bags o fun.

(acutepuppy) #51

I think commands and voice chat giving HUD indicators is much more worthwhile given the speed of the game.