video editing

(XaNaX) #1

im sure this has been answered before but i searched a bit and cant find an answer. What program do i need to be able to view and edit the demo videos for ET? and are there any additional tools or programs you can recommend that will help make the video look better… im trying to make a mixed video of tj and gameplay but it will be my first video editing attempt.

(KeMoN) #2

Hi XaNaX

I’m not familiar with video editing, but a brief search in the ET tools section gave me 3 applications that might fit your needs.

1# Enhanced Wolfcam

2# ET MediaManager

3# ET Moviemakers Pack

Didn’t download this one since it is 419 mb, but it sounds quite promising :slight_smile:

Like I stated, I’m not familiar with video recording/editing at all, so I don’t know how useful these tools may be, if they even are.
Anyway it is a start I guess, so have fun!


(XaNaX) #3

the first 2 sound more for just watching the demos. unfortunatley the 3rd is just too big. it would take me a week to download it… are there any windows moovie maker type of programs that can play and edit the videos or does it have to be a wolfET tool? seems not to give too much info on the files they have besides the name

(ETJump-Zero) #4

You record the videos from the ingame demo viewer using /cl_avidemo or a program like Fraps. After that you can use whatever movie editor you’d like to. (Windows Movie Maker, Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere)

(Destroy666) #5

That’s the point. I’m not a moviemaker, but afaik big part of creating/editing all the good ET movies is done by rewatching demos.

As the topic is here and I don’t want to make a new one, I’ll ask a question too. Does anyone know if something like camtrace exists for other mods than ETPro? Tried also UV moviemod but it works as it should with ETPro, ETJump and etmain demos only.

(XaNaX) #6

anyone know the CMD to stop demo recording? without having to exit et or server? thats what ive been doing

(KeMoN) #7

A google search with “enemy territory stop record” gave me /stoprecord


(Mateos) #8

You can also redo the bind, something like “bind F12 cycle autorecord stoprecord” :slight_smile:

You may also try to make a record.cfg and “bind F12 exec record.cfg” with this: