[Video] Dirty Bomb: Don't Fear the Reaper

(cursedModel) #1

Hey DB community.

I had a pretty fun game but something happened in this game that I kinda hate.
AND for a lil while I was part of it. And that is not properly escorting the EV. (Sorry Smurph)

The objective is simple, “escort” the EV. But very often I find players taking cover rather
than doing the objective.

I was wondering do you guys think there should be something in the game that reminds
players that its objective which is more important than K/D?

I’m not sure but are Objective score multipliers higher than K/D ones?
Do you guys think that would be a good thing if they were?

Anyways guys, hope you enjoy the vid.

(yesser) #2

i dont think K/D have somthing to do with score only for some badges ( killing spree to godlike) and i guess that somthing you learn with time that kd doesnt make you better when they found out that they are not the first even with the best KD

(bontsa) #3

I’d really enjoy watching your groups plays even if it was simply the gameplay with occasional edit foolery, but if those prologues and… midlogues?.. are a thing you enjoy doing, go for it ^^ Entertaining stuff.