[VIDEO] A Sparks montage of sorts

(No_Chaika) #1

I’ve made a montage video a few weeks back, and here it is
I hope you guys will enjoy it :#

(Herr_Hanz) #2

montage was lookin good for what i watched, props to you. but i would make the intro no longer than 20 - 30 seconds. you just walking around gets boring relaly fast, so cut out a lot of that away from the intro, and also from the rest of the montage. if you do walking scenes in the middle/during the montage i keep expecting a kill and suddenly it fades to the next scene, leaving me dissapointed.

[spoiler]Today i realized i just cant enjoy spork montages. probaly because of the firing delay of the revifle.[/spoiler]

(No_Chaika) #3

Hmmm, yea. I may have had too much filler in there :s