[VIDEO] 10 Not-So Obvious things every Dirty Bomb Player Should Know!

(kAndyREW) #1

This is a video I did that I got pretty good feedback on. Check it out! Maybe you’ll learn somethin! Hope it helps :slight_smile:

(heartyTurtle) #2

I already knew all of this, but im sure there are a lot of people who are not aware. Great video dude ;D

(kAndyREW) #3

awesome! yeah I can’t tell you how many times in a match, people are ALL chatting: OMG HOW DO I MUTE SOMEONE or HOW DO I CHANGE CROSSHAIRS?? etc etc etc

For the player just starting out, I think this video will be helpful, maybe less so for veterans ^^

([GER] eclipsE) #4

Is it just me or does the turn around while repairing/constructing not work (anymore)?
And the 2 second revive shield is now just the time your character needs to stand up and if you gain control, you can be shot immediatly?

(N8o) #5

Good video! I knew everything in there, but anything that helps out (potential) teammates play less noobish, the better!

(Black) #6

I really did not know about the revive invisibility because the shield dosen’t show like when you spawn.

However are you sure allies get ability cooldowns when you direct hit them with ammo?

(affableTricycle) #7

You can’t change crosshair colour outside of a game, but you can change the type of crosshair in the options menu outside of a game.

(Lamb) #8

Great Video

(xephyr) #9

Nice video, well done.

(neverplayseriou) #10

@xephyr this thread was a few months old already…

(xephyr) #11

@sensitiveJellyfish I still like it. I joined the community only recently. :wink: