Is there any old Rad Soldier Player still active? I haven’t logged since the rad bucks disapeared. Got nostalgic anyone up for a final match?
Active in wanting to find out if they fixing computer version checking forums. Sadly bored of fighting just computer. Really miss multiplayer
g00n, development is dead so don’t hold your breath on PC play.
I am actively playing random opponents at all point levels. The level of play mostly sucks even for high level players but I have been surprised by a few very good players. They typically kick my butt because I’m not expecting much and over extend or ignore an “advanced” tactic.
Very few people use chat. I don’t know if it’s a language thing or not.
I am accepting all FR’s and challenges.
Hey guys, i did some comebacks too, but over time I got bored by the 90% noobs
I would without doubt start playing again if this game got a reboot, relaunch, Update or a “Rad Soldiers 2” coming - but yet without any further hope
I played some Hearthstone, Space Marshalls (reminds me of the good old Rad Soldiers), Clash of Clans
Got stuck at Clash Royal, Somehow a mix of Hearthstone and more action, the gamedesign-style is IMO a mix of Rad Soldiers and Clash of Clans
If anyone is playing Clash Royal as well
I just started a new Clan with a few friends, anyone is welcome.
heres a link to the forum post http://
or search for the clan #pyrupg9
if you haven’t played it yet, look into it, the game has quite some potential of becoming a big hit
If there is any1 willing to launch another Tournament in Rad Soldiers, I will be there !
maybe some matches in mid-summer, will ask for it then
till then
have a nice day
with friendly regards
I play from time to time, not very often, sometimes meet old friends in random matches still hope that developers will rememember about this great game someday
Hello all friends,
Miss all you guys! I miss all the battle too!
I just comeback in a month. Everything still the same, i dont want to talk about that (bug, nothing new…). A few people play for 2 days type, i know all for now.
But what can we do for this game? Any options? I still dont know. If we have enought people we can talk about the Friends Cup or anything…
Leave messages here pls!
Best regards,
All the PC players were punted and there’s no Android version so it’s pretty much kaput
no word in updates or any movement, think it is dead as they move along to other games. It is one of the best unique games I ever played and I have not found anything that resembles or has game value with Multiplayer. I was hoping the developers would give a sign…NOT!
pretty sure it was a “proof of concept” game, maybe they go back to it when they finish playing with console titles
That is best game i’ve play. Its good concept, good strategy, and “deep thinking”. Like Tinker said its “chess”. I will always love it even the game is die.