Vault secondary objectives

(HauniHaunted) #1

There is a thing that I do not like about that maps secondary objectives and I wanted to know how other people think about this.

When I play this map in attack, I pick an engineer all the time for primary objectives 1 and 2, just because the secondarys, especially the 2 tunnel generators are free XP. The thing I do not get is why all 4 of them are a repair job for the attackers. Sure, plating C4 is faster, but you need to secure the spot for a longer period of time, so normally I would think that C4 should be planted by the team that has better access to that spot and/or can secure it easier.

The first tunnel generator is pretty open to the attackers base, so the defenders have a way harder time securing that spot for C4. The second tunnel generator is pretty close to the spawn point of the attackers, so again, they can secure it way better. Most of the times in my matches both of them have just been opened pretty fast and then stayed open for the rest of the time, so why not switch both of them?

(ARandomLugia) #2

@HauniHaunted said:
There is a thing that I do not like about that maps secondary objectives and I wanted to know how other people think about this.

When I play this map in attack, I pick an engineer all the time for primary objectives 1 and 2, just because the secondarys, especially the 2 tunnel generators are free XP. The thing I do not get is why all 4 of them are a repair job for the attackers. Sure, plating C4 is faster, but you need to secure the spot for a longer period of time, so normally I would think that C4 should be planted by the team that has better access to that spot and/or can secure it easier.

The first tunnel generator is pretty open to the attackers base, so the defenders have a way harder time securing that spot for C4. The second tunnel generator is pretty close to the spawn point of the attackers, so again, they can secure it way better. Most of the times in my matches both of them have just been opened pretty fast and then stayed open for the rest of the time, so why not switch both of them?

This is where fire supports such get into play, Arty and Kira make short work of the generators on the first objective whilst stoker and jav quickly can break them on second objective. You can break gens with normal gunfire and abilities so even rhino is a decent idea from time to time