hallo. list of online users dissapeared? its forever or just temporary?
users online
Yeah, I was confused until I found it’s new location. Thanks for pointing that out Rebel.
I know, I know, it’s because the production testers forums are on the same server and their names kept showing up in orange in users online and they don’t want them bothered for details.
ok, just another guess
I saw some unfamiliar orange names before the users online was removed, they had posts listed but not accessible, I just assumed they were on a closed part of the forum, like the testers forum
new Brink group ?
with green color ? and pair or green antennas before it[for junior members]?
You can still view the full list if you wish It’s just not on the forumhome but if you know where to look you’ll see!
I would like the old “who is online” stuff back, i don’t know why it is changed
I also like to see what people are looking at…maybe strange to you but it is quite interesting to find interesing topics this way
[QUOTE=dutchman;254482]I would like the old “who is online” stuff back, i don’t know why it is changed
I also like to see what people are looking at…maybe strange to you but it is quite interesting to find interesing topics this way :)[/QUOTE]
agree with ya dude