Username Column Width [Increase a smidge?]

(AmishWarMachine) #1

I want to be:

I don’t want to be:

(Spendlove) #2


10 lolollolls

(AmishWarMachine) #3

You mock my pain! Never do it again!



GreasedScotsman feels my pain too!

(Fluffy_gIMp) #4

fixed :slight_smile:

(AmishWarMachine) #5

Awesome, thanks!

For the sake of consistancy, maybe a little wider still such that the offline/online “button” shows to the name’s right instead of being wrapped down below, as well?

(not trying to be a pest)

(light_sh4v0r) #6

heh, just a matter of time before someone else comes in with 1 additional letter in their name :tongue:

(AmishWarMachine) #7

True true. But I would imagine this board has a character limit for usernames. if they wanted to test worst-case, they could make a fake username with all capitalized W’s, and test to fit?

I dunno, it doesn’t really bother me, just looks silly, ya know?