useless (but funny) trickjumps here

(BlackSendok) #1 (and there will be a second part)

(BlackSendok) #2

(this post is part of my new program “shameless promotion to make me get even more dislikes” thanks for your time)

(wistfulCanoe) #3

tell Diablo he sux

(blonk) #4

The program isn’t working, I watched your video with a big smile and gave you a like, go think about what you did and come back with with something truly dreadful next time!

describe the new recycling system in a positive manner. that’ll get 'em goin

(BlackSendok) #5

The program isn’t working, I watched your video with a big smile and gave you a like, go think about what you did and come back with with something truly dreadful next time!

describe the new recycling system in a positive manner. that’ll get 'em goin

it worked on a video where i said that team fortress 2 was a copy of dirty bomb, 19 dislikes vs 20 likes