Age: 18
Steam ID: or add boron817
Experience: Competitively I did TF2 for about 3-4 years and HL2: DM for about 1-2 years but I have been playing FPS’s since at least 2002. I’ve used Mumble, Ventrilo, and Teamspeak for both of my competitive games.
Availability: Weekdays I am available most of the time around 6-11 PM CST. Weekends I’m mostly available all day but of course just depends whats going on that day same with weekdays.
Other: I can be pretty serious about competitive gaming but I do put RL before gaming like sometimes I will have to do OT for my job so some nights I won’t be able to make scrims/matches then of course other RL issues that happen at random. Right now I have a LvL 20 Soldier and working on a Operative but I’m willing to play whatever class is needed.