URL scripted window

(UJERebel) #1

Each time i want to enter a URL into my post IE8 askes me:

This website is using a scripted window to ask you for information. if you trust this website, click here to allow scripted windows...

Is there someway to turn this off only for this site? or make another way to enter a url ( pop up maybe?)

I know i can turn this off for all sites, but i cant figure out how to only do it for this site, its getting me annoyed :smiley:
If not easy to change and no way to turn off, then nevermind :slight_smile:



(badman) #2

You could add SD.com to your list of trusted sites, but I’m not 100% sure it’ll fix the warning message.

[li] Go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Security
[/li][li] Click on the Trusted Sites icon
[/li][li] Click on ‘Sites’
[/li][li] Untick the checkbox
[/li][li] Add www.splashdamage.com
[/li][li] Close the Options windows
Let me know if that fixes the issue for you.

(UJERebel) #3

thanks for the answer
Never used the ‘trusted sites’ function tough :smiley:
Just adding this site to the trusted site doesnt fixes anything, but you can apply a custom level to trusted sites so i did it and in
scripts - Allow websites to prompt for information using scripted window
And i set in to enable for trusted sites ( so splashdamage.com) and then it works, so now i found a way to only do it for this site…

Thank you very much!!


(badman) #4

Excellent, good to hear that worked out. :slight_smile: