
(Major_Slapnuts) #1

How do I unbind a key?

(Press E) #2

Never tried it so I probably wouldn’t be much help, but you could just bind it to a key you never use. Like one of the numberpad keys or something.

(Major_Slapnuts) #3

I dont think that will unbind the first bind

(Mc1412013) #4

Try uninstalling game and manualy delete every last trace of game and reinstall game if worse comes worse

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #5

@Major_Slapnuts said:
How do I unbind a key?

In Options>Controls>Advanced proceed as you would if swapping it to a different key it’ll bring up the prompt to enter the new key and it should say to press Backspace (or Esc I forget which) to unbind the action in the prompt that appears.

(frostyvampire) #6

I think if you bind your current key to a random action in the options, it will overwrite it. And then you can just unbind it in the options by pressing backspace