UAC Executive Quarters

(heXum) #1

Let me just start out by saying that I know this is a multiplayer forum and that this is a single player map. However, I did see some very good tips and advice coming from the Splash Damage guys just from screenshotson other maps. I was hoping that I could get a few words on things that I may not have noticed yet.
If this simply cannot be here then I will not be offended if it is removed.
I know some of the FPS are low in some of the shots but I’ve since added visportals and they have gotten much better. The map hasn’t undergone total optimization yet either since it is far from done.

NAME: Executive Quarters
TYPE: Single Player

PREMISE: While fighting your way out of the base, you find a door that says “Executive Quarters”. After a while of searching e-mails you find the code in your PDA and let yourself in. The vice president of the UAC had just welcomed his family to the UAC base on Mars for a visit when the demonic invasion hit. You find his bloody body along with his PDA in the hallway to the visitor aircraft docking station. You learn that his wife and daughter might still be alive, but they are somewhere in the executive living quarters hiding from the demons. You decide to take the time and search for them and hopefully send them back to Earth safely.

There will be custom work included - mostly sounds and animations but hopefully textures and models as well.

GENERAL DECOR: This is where the UAC executives live while stationed on Mars. The décor is made of cool colors (blue and yellow) on padded walls. There are large apartments for the execs and ample space for any family or business guests that happen to visit. There are also recreational areas such as swimming pools, tennis courts, game rooms, and a shooting range. The area has a lot of security checks including armed guards, metal detectors and bio scanners.

LOBBY: This is the first room you enter after walking down the short hallway from the delta labs. There is a welcome desk (for visitors and for general needs of the execs) straight ahead with a door behind it leading to a small office. To the left is the door leading to the docking station where small aircraft from Earth can dock while visitors are there. To the left of the welcome desk is the hallway that leads to the recreational areas and the living quarters.
Executives and the area’s staff can eat in the lobby if they please - as well as play cards, play on their laptops, etc. There is a large window on the ceiling which shows the beautiful Mars sky (on most days).
Pictures of the Lobby:

LOBBY OFFICE: A small office located behind the help desk in the lobby.
Pictures of the Lobby Office:

DOCK HALL: A small hall that connects the lobby to the ship docks.
Pictures of the Dock Hall:

ENTRANCE: This is a part of the labs that you must go through some security checks before you enter the executive lobby. It holds weapons, guards and a bio scanner. This is where you start when you spawn.

(Davros) #2

very nice work heXum, the texturing looks very good right now, i like the blue and yellow, the lighting is looking cool too… you have some nice aesthetics coming along too so keep it up! but dont give too much of the story away as there will be no surprises :slight_smile: