Typo 'Page not Foun'

(shagileo) #1

There seems to be a little typo when someone is viewing a ‘page not found’ page.
It’s visible when pressing the ‘What’s going on?’ link underneath the Forum Index, to see what people are reading in the forums

(see screenshot)

Not a big thing, but I’d mention it anyways

(badman) #2

Oddly enough, there’s no error page with that title, so not sure where’s that coming from (actual 404 error page can be seen here). Weird!

(shagileo) #3

Hey that’s strange indeed, as I just pressed the ‘Currently active users’ thing, there was someone on a page not found, and it was spelled correctly …

hmm … seems like a one time error
sorry for jumping at shadows :o

(badman) #4

I’m sure it’ll be back. Sometime. Somewhere.

ominous chord