Two suspicious Hackers with their inhuman aim.

(IamZed) #1

I post video here.

(neverplayseriou) #2

On my phone atm so it’s not really clear.

It just looks like 2 idiots that stare at the floor and walls with shit internet and sometimes happen to land their crosshair on someone through a wall.
If that’s aimbot it’s free garbage.

Also too hard to tell if u speed up the footage…

(IamZed) #3

Plz watch the timer,the passage of time is normal. I have never speed up the footage, maybe caused by high fov? Got 90 or more.
His crosshair of timik47 just swip across target and then kill an enemy with 5 rounds-exactly the full damage.
I wonder if I can shoot without constantly follow the target when i was bunny hopping, and still got the kill.

(hurgya) #4

The Stoker/Aura/Vaseline doesn’t seem that suspicious to me.
The Skybro on the other hand definitely misses 90% of the shots that get registered


I removed the video because of no naming & shaming.

It exists to prevent any potential witch hunts on innocents, hinders advertisements and the attention cheaters attempt to acquire. Please report any suspicious players through the in-game report system or by sending a support ticket.

(neverplayseriou) #6

naming and shaming, they’re chinese letters…

(Ptiloui) #7

…and you are roman letters xD