With triple the rewards, and enough players that my queue times are consistently in the 2-5 minute point for a Gold 3~ish area player, Ranked feels great. I’ve already played 2 matches and am going to play my third, will post results of tonight’s games later, but Ranked so far has been balanced, great, and not stomps in either game I’ve been in.
! * Triple Ranked Points with booster this equates to 450% more points!
! * No Phantom, Hunter, or Guardian Bullcrap
! * Faster queue times in Ranked than we’ve had in a while
! * Lots of Newbies
! * Ranked settings and crappy collision or crappy teamwork sucks balls
! * Sometimes you get idiots, it’s unavoidable
! * Loonngg queue times still if queueing with like 3+ people.
So with that in mind, I also wanna give some math to ranked boosters. Anyone seeing the update already knows it, but you will get triple the points from a ranked match Until March 28 when season 4 is retired. All ranked booster’s also affect the new end amount of points (which would work going either direction but whatever Splash damage).
You’ve probably seen this post before:
Now let’s do some further math based on how BAD you are for those interested. WITH and WITHOUT boosters:
There ya go guys!