Tried my hand at making a quick video about Dirty Bomb (~3mins)

(Wryposte) #1

Hey all,

Like the title says I’ve tried my hand at making a Dirty Bomb video. Obviously not being a notable youtuber I didn’t want to make a long video that no one would watch so I’ve compressed it down and turned it into a quick ~3min review touching on most of the basics.

Now obviously you guys know all about the game already so really one of the main reasons i’m posting here is to gain feedback on what I could improve on for future videos.

Hope it doesn’t make your eyes bleed(or your ears for that matter) and thanks in advance for any feedback.

(Wryposte) #2

all that and I forgot to post the link…


(FailJertsu) #3

Great video, it had most of the things overall you need to know about Dirty Bomb, what about if you would do some videos for some certain mercs and talk about their abilities and how they are been played mostly(Skyhammer, Sawbonez, etc.)

(Wryposte) #4

Thanks for the feedback! and the suggestion!

I’d like to do more videos on Dirty Bomb, I’m not sure if I’m good enough to showcase how characters are played though.