Trading in cobalts

(RacX3r) #1

Hello community,
I´ve got a cobalt fragger+cobalt nader loadout card I don´t use. I wanted to trade them in for a different Fragger…but that wasnt possible.
Is there a certain reason why you cannot trade in a cobalt fragger+ a different card for another Fragger?
I need some help :wink:

(YeOldeButtcheek) #2

Currently, you are not able to Trade-In the same loadout for your selected merc.
For example you cannot use 2 Fraggers to make another Fragger.
You have to use other loadouts that aren’t a Fragger.

(Matuno) #3

You can.
You get a warning screen that you accept the possibility of the result card to be the same as an input card, then proceed with the process

If that doesn’t work for you, post back with specifics.

(RacX3r) #4

Yea,they changed it with the last patch. I have messaged the support and they said exactly what Ye_Olde_Buttcheeks said.
However,since 2 weeks its possible to trade in loadouts for the same merc but a higher rarity. DB listens to my suggestions! Thanks