Trade Loadout Cards?

(Woey) #1

Will loadout cards be tradable along with weapon cards?

(Press E) #2

Not at first, but they said they will be eventually.


It’s also worth noting that not all loadout cards will be tradeable. I believe the default rarities (bronze, silver, gold and cobalt) have been confirmed to be untradeable, but for the others It is yet unknown.

(Woey) #4

Thanks for the reply!

(HadronZodiac) #5

Tbh i dont really like this choice. You can’t really say normal cards are with progression system since you can buy pretty much guaranteed gold cards. Plus, crates aren’t even that good, and we could use normal cards in with our SE deals. Example - This bad ranked s4 loadout, but it comes with a gold card…

So you dont waste your SE cards just because SD gave you a bad limited edition