This reply is the second roundup… “This is serious” just thought the other thread could be fun?? It Didn’t have the response I’ve hope for…
VaderWRX - first round, I did a bad pick of toons, he pounded all my small mistakes and i lost.
second round, I had a better start and saw some loopholes in his tactics and used them for my advantage. he got beaten. 1-1
N30K - first round, I was of my guard, and to fast to underestimate him, I lost.
Second round, now I knew my opponent, I thought… Made some small mistakes, tried to turn the tied, and got beaten again. Darn. 2-0
ChaosPinhead - first round, I tried out a new setup, but got pounded big time.
Second round, my tactic stood the task, and I pealed him. 1-1
Onecut - used different tactics in each match and lucky he used the same setup in both of the matches, I won first and second round. 2-0
Crozzton - played him a lot of times with both win and loses. Some times I tent to choose the wrong setup, and this was the case again. He sees my mistakes - some time before i make them. and i got beaten close i the first match. second match I tried out a different setup and tactics, but his setup with kate/kate went on and on - more than ten round with out any outcome, did some small mistakes and lost my sniper, couldn’t turn the tied and lost again. 2-0
Misterskippy - first round, I had a lot on my mind and didn’t really pay attention to his tactics, and got punish big time. Second round, I did my homework and turn the tied when it was needed. 1-1
Perrix - First round, had the outcome I hoped for, got his healer fast, and thought it was a done deal, but his stealth sniper got me into some trouble and I won the first match hanging by the neck, with the captain barely at 8 in health.
Second round, Hard and fast one, he did some Trix i wasn’t prepared for and I was caught off guard… 1-1
ZixPK - still no word, so i can conclude > who is this???<
Conclusion - damn some tight matches, good setups and tactics. It’s not possible to do any mistakes, everything gets noticed. What a tight group. Seen a lot of Juan/Kate, Juan/Gus setups, but it changes time to time. And a lot of different tactics - really nice to see that there is never one right way to play RS…
/S - btw lets agreed on, we make a tournament inside our little group att some point - this could be really fun… GG!
>This was attended to be my serious reply<