Mjallo lads and lassies
First of all ill like to thank the ppl being primus motor behind the event. Great initiative and so far very few things to point at at this stage. It has been great fun.
Rules: those will be more static next time. We went from best out of 3 to two matches, not sure why but I didn’t notice until I had a draw against 2 ppl and though I had a last game to make up for my bad play.
The full tournament lay down will there from the start next time since this is a “beta” so to speak
Toon rules: maybe we need some errata rules. Meaning things that have been said from devs that isn’t working as intended isn’t allowed. Here I think about Pete and the cockler/Uzi.
Brackets/setup like the grp setup for grp fights and were curious as to what the knockdown part had coming. And how many we’re going through to stage two. I hoped for Swiss draw at knockout and were involved a bit on MIRC as what the tour holders had in mind. What it ended up with I don’t know.
Summary. Like the no stress factor and friendly way it is build. Easy contact to tour holders who is keeping an eye on these forums. I look forward to full rules from beginning next time but must say that this “beta” has smooth without it.
Players: I have been blessed with playing with the most friendly players I have met. Good players with the right spirit. I know most from the other grps so I know it is not only my grp that is positive. There have been only one no show in our grp and one have been inactive during weekend. Since the age span is prolly vast I reckon there are some drinking and being young during weekends ( I know I did)
However I fear that the games started with those will be forfeited and hope the rule will be that forfeited games will be won by the active player ( believe I have seen that somewhere)
Playing styles.
Been writing a lot with many of you to know a little a about how you are doing in the tour. Curious about who I can meet and what ppl tend to use. Not just to be prepared but also in order to make a post like this concerning the meta game. Tinker have already touched this subject and he is also one I frequently talk with to get a second opinion.
Juan/Pete/Kate/Gus one or more of these are in ALL winning teams. That is no coincidence. It is by fAr the best toons you can have atm. 1vs1 for points they will win against all others. Meaning you get the most of your points by picking these. Tinker have mentioned why in another thread but to sum. Ghosting combined with ottogun= loads of dam at right positioning. Dots all over. Nerf Kate’s dot and increase Juan’s to the same. Let Juan’s be heal able (at least by Gus since he has a water cannon) make artillery a 3 pts ( my suggestion) making 14 pts a whole new game all over. Gus’s water cannon make
it a one time use or increase the cost so it is t as flexible.
Ppl play defensively all over atm which is ok , but with the lack of melee power there is no counter and therefor defensive is the only playingstyle. Which again makes certain maps too powerful to start on. When not having to worry about a ghosted melee you are pretty much secure if you control middle from start and have the healing power to negate grenades and whatnot from opponents first turn.
Anyhow will return after completion of the tournament ( hopefully after seeing the end of it)
Kevin aka crozzton