To improve ranked should there be two metric ratings besides just rank?

(MikeGreene1990) #1

Kind of like how overwatch does theres.

  1. Personal rank rating: how effective you are at killing with guns and using your abilities effectively. Perhaps a measure of accuracy, kills per death ratio, and kills per minute avging weapons used.

  2. Team rank rating: How effective you are at supporting your team. A measure of support and game mode XP per minute.

  3. The rank you unlock should be based on your personal rank effectiveness. Team rank rating can be averaged by how much you support your team as well as your personal effectiveness. Meaning if you are a physico killer, you can have cobalt as a personal rank, but since you don’t play objective by helping with buidling planting or delievering, your team rating can go down to like silver and match you with golds that cant shoot but play the obj.

I feel like this is needed because the current player pool gets bronze or unranked that cannot shoot at all. Mean while you can have a smurph in disguise or a really good player with a low rank who playes better than most golds. If we can better filter out and fine grain the player base we can get less broken matches.

(MikeGreene1990) #2

By measuring personal effectiveness and team effectiveness we can put elite shooters with people who do the objective. On flipside people who do the objective who cant shoot a moving target, can get placed wtih people who are very good at shooting and killing anything that moves.


Anything along these lines could work well, but it’s unfortunately not going to happen with the current playerbase. Placing more restrictions and separating matchmaking even further is only going to increase the amount of time in the queue. I like these ideas, but the consensus is ‘not yet’. Possibly not ever.

(MikeGreene1990) #4

@Wintergreen said:
Anything along these lines could work well, but it’s unfortunately not going to happen with the current playerbase. Placing more restrictions and separating matchmaking even further is only going to increase the amount of time in the queue. I like these ideas, but the consensus is ‘not yet’. Possibly not ever.

This could work if we get rid oc CMM. More players to throw into ranked pool. Players that actually belong in the brackets where they belong.

(Press E) #5

@MikeGreene1990 said:

@Wintergreen said:
Anything along these lines could work well, but it’s unfortunately not going to happen with the current playerbase. Placing more restrictions and separating matchmaking even further is only going to increase the amount of time in the queue. I like these ideas, but the consensus is ‘not yet’. Possibly not ever.

This could work if we get rid oc CMM. More players to throw into ranked pool. Players that actually belong in the brackets where they belong.

People aren’t going to play ranked just because CMM is gone. They’re either going to go to the server browser, or just stop playing. Some people just don’t like ranked, that’s all there is to it. Hell, more people play casual than ranked anyways. If anything, it would be more in the consumer’s interest to just ditch ranked instead.

Like you said, rank has to be based on personal performance more than team performance. Team based works well enough in a game with a large playerbase, but DB doesn’t have a large playerbase. And it seems a lot easier to just tweak ranked to work better with a lower playerbase than it does to drag in a couple thousand new ranked players.