time for upgrade?

(xTriXxy) #1

hi SD. I noticed extreme loading time here, lots of daatabase errors and so on due high traffic. Maybe its time to upgrade machine, or to change webhost provider.

sometimes posting a thread takes minutes.

(xTriXxy) #2

i think server cannot handle so many visitors. i had database errors all the time…

maybe you can move some of the topic to bethesda forum? or limit guest view?

(tokamak) #3

Yeah I think it’s time for a new server.

(Fluffy_gIMp) #4

Yeah we’re working on it.

(FPS_Steve) #5

After the release of a big title game? Do you have Marty McFly doing your hardware upgrade schedules? :tongue:

(Nail) #6

I doubt it’s a hardware issue

(tokamak) #7

It clearly is. But good to know that things are being looked into.

(Nail) #8

clearly ?

couldn’t be a vB issue ?

(Herandar) #9

Nah, they brought in the guys that handled the release of BFBC2: Vietnam and the BFBC2 master stats server. :smiley: