This might just be alive!

(RR2DO2) #1

It so is! :tapir:

(Sauron|EFG) #2

Welcome back! :smiley:

(malarky) #3


(GK-Duck) #4

Aha! does this have any wider significance?

(iwound) #5

Welcome back :smiley:

(QW|Genesis) #6

Congratulations guys! Welcome back

(nashslash) #7


(taken) #8

OH FINALLY! Have been waiting long for the forums.

GIEV BETA :smiley:

(Wils) #9


(taken) #10

ffs giev beta;D

(caliban) #11

hmm knock knock hello overthere

(Funkydupe) #12

Let me say it in a subtle manner.

“I wouldn’t entirely mind playing Quake Wars this coming weekend.”

(madness) #13

finally 8)

(Zhou Yu) #14

yay forums

(eiM) #15

yayyyyyy party

so now u don’t need 2 work on forums anymore gife bedda plz ;o

(i hate bees) #16

And so my life was given meaning.

(Meester) #17



Welcome back!

(GlobalWar) #19

ME HAPPY!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Don’t try to sneak out with the site again guys!

(rebb) #20

It’s ALIIIIVE :shock:

Congrats ;).