Things that annoy me the most about QW

(.N.E.R.D.) #21

!!! Disconnect0rz !!!

(Rex) #22

Everyone here. And cheaters.

(Shelly) #23

[QUOTE=.N.E.R.D.;407463]Since everything is going down the drain on pub servers I am gonna start this thread so everybody can bitch about the other idiots :stroggbanana:

I start with TKs (especially on Vanilla)

If one of your Infanterists is fighting close combat with an enemy it is not smart to randomly shoot 'em with
a) A Tank b) A Flyer c) A Rocket Launcher d) A Nade e) A Grenade Launcher f) … you’re getting the point.

You all have been playing this game for maaaaaaaaaany hours so you should know what happens around you and don’t do **** like a) Jump in front of a guy that is about to throw a timed nade b) Jump in Front of a Sniper in Combat c) pull your pants down and jump in the face of an Infanterist that is already Infight d) hope you are getting the point :wink:

    When you were planning on nading an enemy but the douchebag ran away and now there’s a teammate in his spot you can always trow the nade somewhere else and not teamkill. TRUE STORY BRO

  2. Back in the Days NO SINGLE PUB PLAYER gibbed ppl. NOW they will gib but only if they can do it like that … a) The will gib with a nade if the chance exists that a teammate will run into it or stands beside it b) the will gib with a hyperblaster but only if they can shoot through your back and kill you in the process c) They occasionally gib YOU cause they place their mines very smart …

  3. SOME RANDOM ****
    A Vanilla will always try to run you over when he occupies a vehicle. Friendly fire is a sign of appreciations and apparently an artform too. When you kill someone you should leave the place immediately because a) some dude might try to GIB NOW !!! and b) the reactiontime of a vanilla is faaaaaaaaaar slower than your’s and in his brain the enemy player is still alive and he will try to **** him up (killing you in the process).

Ok, that was enough for now but not all, I will continue some other time ;)[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Apples;407478]1) I always found this to be one of the most funny moment when I was in a vehicle : “Oh Look, this guy is having a blast at dueling another pew-pewer and might win the firefight after an intense bunny hopping competition, let me sing you the song of my people, kaboom, Oooops”

  1. Jumping in front of a perfectly timed nade and kill both yourself and your teammate nade cooker is one of the skilliest thing ever, don’t you dare criticize this perfect form of dance!

  2. Getting teamkilled is bad when its you, but when you nade people to death because “sorry man, he ran away and, you know, I wouldnt suicide myself so I tossed you the baby, well lets say we are tie now, ok?” is nice? Your whining is bad, and you should feel bad!

  3. To gib people with any other weapon than a rocket launcher in a overcrowded room is a form of weakness, ALLWAYS gib with a rocket launcher!

  4. “Choo choo modafuka!”

You’re welcome, tho I need to play more and spend less time on 9gag, it’s starting to affect my legendary typing imagination.[/QUOTE]

OH I so laughed at both posts =D Awesome!

P.S. Almost forgot to write something on topic. My list is short, in fact it only contains ONE name and that name has only THREE letters. Take a wild guess :smiley:

(Rex) #24

Mhmmmmmmmmm, maybe Kox? :confused:

(Breo) #25

Abb, Abe, Ace, Acy, Ada, Add, Aja, Ala, Alf, Ali, Ama, Ami, Amy, Ana, Ann, Ara, Ari, Asa, Ava, Bea, Bee, Ben, Bev, Bob, Bud, Cal, Cam, Cap, Cas, Che, Con, Coy, Dan, Dax, Deb, Dee, Del, Doc, Don, Dow, Ean, Ebb, Eda, Edd, Edw, Ela, Eli, Ell, Ely, Ema, Ena, Era, Eva, Eve, Exa, Fae, Fay, Fed, Flo, Foy, Gee, Geo, Gia, Gil, Gus, Guy, Hal, Ham, Hoy, Huy, Ian, Ica, Icy, Ida, Ike, Ila, Ilo, Ima, Imo, Ina, Ira, Irl, Isa, Iva, Ivy, Iza, Jan, Jax, Jay, Jeb, Jed, Jep, Jim, Job, Joe, Joi, Jon, Joy, Kai, Kay, Kem, Ken, Kia, Kim, Kip, Kit, Kya, Lea, Lee, Lem, Len, Leo, Les, Lew, Lex, Lia, Lim, Liz, Lon, Lou, Loy, Luc, Lue, Lum, Luz, Lyn, Mac, Mae, Mai, Mal, Mat, Max, May, Meg, Mel, Mia, Moe, Mya, Nan, Nat, Ned, Nia, Nim, Noe, Nya, Obe, Oda, Ola, Ole, Oma, Ona, Ora, Osa, Ota, Ott, Ova, Pam, Pat, Rae, Ras, Ray, Red, Rex, Rey, Rob, Rod, Roe, Ron, Roy, Sal, Sam, Sid, Sie, Sim, Sky, Sol, Son, Sue, Tab, Tad, Tai, Taj, Tal, Tea, Ted, Tex, Tia, Tim, Tod, Tom, Toy, Tre, Tye, Ula, Una, Ura, Val, Van, Vic, Von, Wes, Yee, Zeb, Zed, Zoa, Zoe


(Ashog) #26

probably Don.

(Dthy) #27

I love how there is always drama when I go out and get drunk. It makes my homecoming’s more fun.

(Shelly) #28

hahahaha n1 guys.
@Breo you should get a cookie for best effort :slight_smile:

(Skidmark3) #29

1.) Not dying when I try to suicide with nades/rockets/anansi etc…

2.) Getting kills 0.5-1 second later with no apparent lag

3.) Winning on a stacked team

4.) Losing on a stacked team

5.) Playing against stacked teams

6.) Losing to stacked teams

7.) Lack of custom map server players

8.) Those who lack sportsmanship

9.) Playing Engineer

oh…and 10.) That moment when I switch teams and forget to shoot the new enemy and heal my new teammates

(YouAreGood) #30
  1. Eleven people outside, when I die at objective defended by one single asshole.

  2. PPL switching to the weaker team when it’s stacked(no stacking no winning! There is no other way than that, maybe luck, but lucky victory gives no fun; you can also have easier team-objective than Strogg/GDF, yet still - no fun out of that). Especially if enemy team is disconnecting on their own volition. Huge effort to make those ppl leave wasted…

  3. “Cheater!”, “cheater!”, “****ing cheater!!!”. Ban and silence! I really love the idea of matchmaking based on skill - all the cheaters shall be hold in the “Best PRO cool G4ymEr$” “skill group”… Let them kill each other finally…

  4. I don’t know… engine, its buggy and feels laggy, no idea how to explain that one…

(Ashog) #31

I explain it as soapy. It is really something special about the ETQW - lagometer shows no lags, ping is stable around 40-50, fps is stable and capped at 120, yet the game feels soapy. It’s like sliding on a floor covered with liquid soap. Only to small extent, so that you can easily play, but just enough to feel the hittability of enemies very strange and unnatural. But you are right, it is hard to explain the feeling. Let’s just call it ETQW engine, because out of all games I played, only ETQW has this crap.

(.N.E.R.D.) #32

True … When you play another fps for a longer while and then play qw again it is always like WTF ********ing ****lagbiaaaaaaaatch mofo game :slight_smile:

(Rex) #33

Try BF3 and you will see a really ****ty game. 9 from 10 kills you get shot around the corner! It is not even random, it is almost a feature… :rolleyes:

(edxot) #34

the most anoying thing is when you cant play because master server is down

(jopjop) #35

well you know… like any drug… its not the highs… it’s the rehab :confused:

(Kordin) #36

Listen to jopjop! He knows best about all kind of drugs :tongue:

(edxot) #37

yes, this ETWQ is like drug.

i really can imagine in the near future:

  • dr, i am drug addict and need to change.
  • ok, need to drop your friends and get new ones.
  • what friends ? its just a bunch of whores and bitches. not forgetting those pimps controling the whole thing (aka admins).
  • hmmm … say, what was the name of the drug again ?