Any news as to why Thewolfteam is down? Thunder, you ok?
Thewolfteam down
Only the frontpage is down at the moment. You can stil access the forums;wwwRedirect
Cette page ne fonctionne pas
Impossible de traiter cette demande via à l’heure actuelle.
with the link i have that
Empty returns on almost every thing…404.html 404.htm, robots.txt, favicon.ico, phpinfo.php sitemap.xml, even tried an image path still in a search engine all replies empty (500). Only exception… php.ini was 403 error. I even spoofed a few user strings in case it was a hacked .htaccess file, but still nothing
Does anybody know what happened? Does thunder know? Did we got hacked? This was the most sophisticated place to download prefabs, models, tutorials, source files etc. would be quite dramatic if all this is permanently down…
I am looking at this and i dont have a clue. Would be sad if it went down like that. Hopefully thunder gives a message soon about the state of all it.
Hey guys,
it was decided that because of many attacks and nonstability of website, TWT is moving its forums, and other stuff to ModDB, which is much more safe platform.
There is also a GiHub made for TWT, which is empty now, but we will be working with Thunder to get all the knowledge that was saved on TWT website back online.
It is still pretty raw as the work began just yesterday… I post some links here:
Thunders article about the situation:
ModDB page:
GitHub page:
Discord, main communication tool for TWT: