I have been wondering about this since ages but @Xenithos Poll (Click here) brought it back to my mind. Whats the thing with all the different formats of basically one and the same game?
Ranked = 5vs5
CMM = 6vs6
Server browser = 7vs7/8vs8
plus the variances of Obj/SW, desynced/synced Spawntimers, FF on/off, Collision on/off
This makes the game feel all inconsistent. If you want to play with less people in the server you have to go to CMM and Ranked. But if you additionally want to play with synced timers, you can only go to ranked. But there the queue times are too long and the balance is crap. So you have to decide between low amount of players or synced timers. If synced timers are more important to you you have to go to Server Browser. Isn’t it time to streamline this clusterfuck? It is always stated that DB is balanced around the ranked setting. So why on earth is the setting the game is balanced for the most difficult to get in?
Why is it ok to have to pull through a ranked game 4vs5 because there is no back filling, but CMM cant be 5vs5 (even though it has back filling) because playing 4vs5 the 1-2 minutes until the new player joins would be unreasonable for the players on the server.
Why are synced timers in Ranked & Server Browser ok but not in CMM?
Why is FF off in every mod, but then suddenly on in ranked?
It really feels that SD tries everything to keep their customers away from the way the game is intended to be played. And why spread the already small player base over so many only slightly different modes. This only leads to long queue times in ranked, unbalanced games in CMM (the direct opposite of what CMM should be), and players who flock to Server Browser (the mode you basically want to stop supporting) because there they can jump in quickly, see if the game is somehow balanced and if not, they can leave again. I would love to finally get some answers to that, since this topic has been brought up repeatedly in the last years without being answered satisfyingly or at all. So, what you say @stayfreshshoe is this topic worth some response in some form? I would really appreciate it.
And since we should not only complain but also offer solutions, here is my solution to it.
Merge ranked and CMM into one mod with ranked rules + back filling. There you can queue as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Give some rewards to lobbies of 4 and 5 (as initiative for team building). If your telemetry shows you that there are a lot of regular 5 men lobbies queuing, open up a seperat queue for 5 men lobbies only which has special (ranked) rewards. This would take care of TKers, leavers, complete noobs queuing with vets and so on. Ranked would basically become clan wars, which it should be in my opinion, because right now your rank is highly depending on the lottery if you get someone good or complete scrubs in your team. This way you would put the responsibility of balancing the team itself in the hand of the players and the game only needs to match teams against each other which are more or less homogenous in skill. + People would really get to used the game how it is supposed to be played.
Move Objective Mode to Server Browser with the current server browser rules and let people just fool around.
These changes would, imo, take care of so many fundamental problems DB has. From low skilled players to player retention. I am sure every aspect of the game would benefit.