The 'What the Dickens?' Update v53440 - 16/12/2015

(spookify) #21

The Surprises are amazballs IMO!!

(Violator) #22

+1 for pineapple juggler :slight_smile: Does it chain? (Can you pass a nade round to multiple players)

(LCTR) #23

Some interesting stuff here :slight_smile:

[li]Pineapple Juggler - Now allows you to melee hit back mid-air grenades and other projectiles[/li][/ul]

Does it do anything to the fuse time? If someone cooks a grenade is there any point in trying to melee it?

[li]Proxy buffs are appreciated :slight_smile:[/li][/ul]

[li]Fragger - Reduced Frag Grenade damage to 170 (from 180)[/li][/ul]

I’m surprised with this one - I can understand the logic in trying to reduce the popularity of Fragger over his rivals but I’m not sure about nerfing him (further?) to do so.

Was he still over-performing recently?
Imo he was in a good place since the grenade changes, the skill-ceiling was lifted and rewarded more aimed nades over the previous spamming.

If he wasn’t over-performing then why not buff his ‘rivals’ more to drive players to other options?
Or sales, or additional XP for playing them, or…


Improvements are good - but the value to players still isn’t there imo.
Something like - XP for conc’d players who die soon after being hit, or making conc’d players take additional damage for a short period would be good.
Doesn’t feel like there are enough ‘strings to his bow’ at the moment (and by quite a long way).

No movement / MK46 changes for Thunder?

[li]Vassili - Increased Heartbeat Sensor detection radius to 14.4m (from 12.8m)[/li][/ul]

This is actually the note that stood out to me the most.
Afaik Vassili is still one of the top played mercs? For me - and i’ve talked about this for a while :slight_smile: - he has MASSIVE utility with most of his loadouts.

He has some of the best longest and shortest weapons in the game - so if he misses a headshot and you close the distance to him he’ll swap to a machine pistol and hose bullets at you.
When ppl were complaining about the instagib (I never had a problem, it’s a high-skill reward) I was shouting about the design of having a merc who is arguably still the most adaptable around

His spotter was underperforming before? I seem to hear that spotted noise constantly while playing…
Although going from 12.8m to 14.4m doesn’t sound like a lot, that’s a 27% increase in spotting area per sensor…

[li]Dreiss AR - Reduced maximum bullet spread and spread increase rate by ~15%[/li][/ul]

Glad to see this ^^ though wasn’t the damage in the 30s when it was originally released?

[li]Timik-47 - Reduced recoil by ~10%[/li][/ul]

I’d echo what others have said for the Timik.

Tbh I’m a Timik fan. I still don’t think it’s as good as the M4 but there’s a feeling of ‘wrestling it’ to get the best from it.
In that vain, I don’t want the Timik to be more and more like the M4 - making the weapons different makes the loadout choices hugely more interesting . Although reducing the recoil would help me use it, I think it starts to take away some of the character (dare say ‘charm’) of the non-M4 choice.

What about increasing the rate-of-fire (but change the bloom to mimic current settings) or increase damage? That rewards people for taking the rowdy-option over the super-reliable M4.
Higher RoF also would suit some of the tighter maps like Underground.

[li]User Interface - Changed name of One Frame Interval to Thread Sync and inverted the behavior[/li][/ul][/I]
Can understand the naming change - just wondering how many questions about whether this is related to “V-Sync” and “G-Sync” this will generate :wink:

(spookify) #24

Are you sure this is a good Idea? It has it plus’s and minus’s…

(fubar) #25

Party. Lobbies.

What ever could be a downside to seeing the rank of the player you specifically INVITED into a game and decided to play with?

In the end you get to see all the ranks anyway.

(spookify) #26

[QUOTE=fubar;542803]Party. Lobbies.

What ever could be a downside to seeing the rank of the player you specifically INVITED into a game and decided to play with?

In the end you get to see all the ranks anyway.[/QUOTE]

I missed the word “Party”… All is well.

(LCTR) #27

How would you feel about MM rank being visible in ‘kill cam’ next to the Loadout Card?

Might help drive more ppl to MM if they have more stuff to show-off in normal pub servers…

(spookify) #28

[QUOTE=LCTR;542816]How would you feel about MM rank being visible in ‘kill cam’ next to the Loadout Card?

Might help drive more ppl to MM if they have more stuff to show-off in normal pub servers…[/QUOTE]

I totally agree that “something” should be shown.

The easiest thing IMO to do is create a link/path to peoples DB profile as well as steam profile. This could also people to see a persons rank and stats.

The “level” doesn’t dictate skill however the rank might… It would also take a little more effort to be seen the way you describe so that would be nice.

Since the trinkets look like cards and you might combine them with your other cards this might actually have been done already.

I just wish SD could separate the “gun” quality from the map quality. I could play on Ultra Low Settings but have my gun/keychain Ultra High.

(Rémy Cabresin) #29

You can… :stuck_out_tongue: ShooterEngine.ini Though it’s not only weapons, the first 2 commands(skeletal and ballowhigh) also affect things like the EV and Packs onthe floor.


(Fluffy_gIMp) #30

Quick FYI. (as don’t think we have mentioned it)
Those of you early founders packs folks will finally be getting your gun trinkets too!
We’ll post screenshots in the morning (can’t get to them from home)

(Rémy Cabresin) #31

[QUOTE=Fluffy_gIMp;542823]Quick FYI. (as don’t think we have mentioned it)
Those of you early founders packs folks will finally be getting your gun trinkets too!
We’ll post screenshots in the morning (can’t get to them from home)[/QUOTE]

Now I’m just sad that I was a poor student when the founder packs where available and I got the cheapest one that doesn’t have a trinket :frowning:

(LCTR) #32

I hear you, man. I only found DB earlier this year :slight_smile:

(fubar) #33

bow to my founder trinkets.


(light_sh4v0r) #34

Cool, I wonder what they’ll look like. Please let them be tapirs :slight_smile:

(Mustang) #35

No MM rank should not be shown on non-MM servers…

(fubar) #36

Why not?

I still think personal profiles would be interesting, ie: LoL/BF series. Being able to look up that one guy that just did extremely well in MM/Pub, check out his rank maybe, or check up on his mercs/stats/accs/whatever. For the paranoid among you, privacy settings can always be included as well. But what’s the harm really?

I have tons of people asking me about my accuracies and whatnot on a daily basis, being able to just drop a link or tell them to check my in-game profile would do wonders, people WANT to be able to compare it to something, in this case to “known” or “good” players in the scene. And why the hell not? Arguably those stats are worthless as they don’t take your “playstyle” into account, but it’s still something, it’s still pretty too look at. It’s a multipurpose tool, some will use it to boast, others will use it to compare.
All the while it offers free “advertisement” to competitive MM play: That guy that just destroyed a pub server? He’s cobalt! So that’s where all the decent players hang out, maybe I should try MM?

(Szakalot) #37

also think its not a bad idea, and give the ‘privacy’ option to those who only want it shown to themselves/their friends.

(DB Genome editor) #38

Showing MM ranks in non-MM might help breaking people from the idea that levels mean something…

(DarkangelUK) #39

I’m curious about the different levels of Founders trinkets you can see here

Who gets which ones exactly? For example do original VIP Founders get something different from ‘invited to VIP cos = cool’ VIP’s?

They look sweet as hell, fingers crossed I get the VIP skull one!

(Mustang) #40

I think they all look amazing, hope it transfers over to looking great in-game.