@bgyoshi said:
2016 was the year of no maps, 1 merc, Summer Squash, and a new balance patch practically every week or two.
There were 22 patches in 2016 of which:
6 had mercs balance in them and most of them happened early 2016. Unless you count “changed hitbox by 2%” as something worth talking about. Most of those patches were focused on events/bug fixes.
I wont even point out how “every week or two” balance patch theory is bollocks.
This took all of the dev time away from new content development, which means the first half of 2017 was devoid of new content too, until Dockyard. Which… you seem to have conveniently forgotten.
Which is bollocks as well, check patch notes and see how many balance changes we got in the time there was no new content (worth mentioning that most balance changes happened when we were getting new content). Spoiler: not a lot. Also saying that we didnt get new content because they were focused on mercs/weapons balance is silly at best (even if there were a lot of them). The only time when balancing should have any impact on content is when there are some huge core changes, like say adding wall jumping which wasnt the case. Also look at lol, overwatch, paladins or pretty much any other semi successful game, balance changes happens bi weekly on top of new content, most of the time there is no difference in the amount of new content whenever there are new balance changes or not.
Which game? Are you talking about billion dollar company Blizzard and Overwatch? Multimillion dollar company Valve and TF2? Multimillion dollar title CS:GO? I’m not really sure what small company you’re talking about here.
Shards of war (dead at the moment), hawken (was dead, almost dead now but was recently rebooted). Cant really find you better examples really, both of them had small dev teams. Or you know, you could check it by yourself, SD isnt the only company that have small dev team, but there sure are a lot that produce faster. Obviously most of small companies die out, but before lol was successful they had small dev team as well, didnt stop them from making balance changes all the time with new content.
Oh you’re talking about Ranked, a mode which accounts for less than half of DB players. Yeah wow how painful, I’m sure the majority of players wish Ranked worked. Not.
I wasnt talking about ranked tho. Just because people doesnt abuse everything in pubs like they do in ranked doesnt mean that said things arent overpowered or badly designed. Also, its silly to add ranked to your game and then ignore it, so i cant see your point anyway.
We have 2 new maps and a new merc and barely through half a year. I’m more than willing to bet we’ll get at least one if not two more maps before the end of the year and possibly another merc, as well as a big balance patch after the Shell Shock event.
Besides, they give you balance and bug fixes literally every single month. Cry more
Should i remind you that both turtle and dockyard were in production for way over a year ? I wasnt whining about new content and i am happy that it came but i wont start ignoring long lasting issues just because we got something new, especially that balance changes are probably the easiest thing to do (surely easier than bug fixes/new content). Also, if balance changes block development then there is something terribly wrong in how SD is operating.