The Shell Shock Update - Bug Megathread

(K1X455) #21

(K1X455) #22


  • Reproduction rate: 3/8

(Cletus_VanDamme) #23
  • Type of Bug: Arty’s artillery, when used, shuts my game down. No error message received, game just shuts down.

  • Description: I can use the artillery once or twice, then after that the game just shuts down

  • Video / Screenshot: Not able to record gameplay

  • Steps to reproduce:Join server. Use artillery once or twice. Die, try to use it, get kicked.

  • Result: Frustration

  • Expected result: Normal use

  • Reproduction rate: Every time I use Arty

(ImSploosh) #24

@SnakekillerX said:
Not sure how far back this bug goes… I don’t think its specific to “THE SHELL SHOCK UPDATE”… however I’ll place it here non the less as its an annoying one.

Type of Bug: UI Bug.

Description: Attempt to join a server via the server browser. Then hit cancel before it actually joins the server. It brings you back to the server browser… but if you wait a moment it will still join the previous server anyway. (Cancel, does not CANCEL).

Steps to reproduce: Join a server, then hit cancel while the option to is still available. Then wait a moment and you’ll see it will join the server anyway.

Result: It ends up joining the server you canceled joining to.

Expected result: It should just cancel the connection attempt out right.

Reproduction rate: Happens every time. 10/10

Been happening since I started playing. It’s really annoying. If you hit cancel fast enough, you won’t just another game. But you have to do it insanely quickly.

(ImSploosh) #25

Type of Bug: Visual bug?
Description: Hexadic trinket is not displaying on my gun in a ranked match. It shows fine in public matches, but not in ranked for some reason.
Steps to reproduce: Join a ranked match.
Result: Trinket did not display on the gun.
Expected result: Trinket should display on gun.
Reproduction rate: 10/10

(kittz0r) #26

Type of Bug: Config

Description: Mouse Smoothness is off in the Game but Enabled in the Config, Sensitivity are different too (config even in use?)

Video / Screenshot:

Steps to reproduce: Change Settings to off and check Config, doesn’t change (same with Sensitivity btw)

Result: Hard to say since Servers and so the Sensitivity feels differently each day, What is the correct Setting? is it OFF or ON?

Expected result: Mouse Smoothing should be off/ Sensitivity should Match with the one Ingame

Reproduction rate: 10/10

(OwynTyler) #27
  • Type of Bug: UI

  • Description: opposite color of glow for deployables on game join

  • Video / Screenshot:

  • Steps to reproduce: join a game with deployed deployables

  • Result: see a friendly aura station (saw that too) or mine with enemy glow

  • Expected result: should be friendly glow

  • Reproduction rate: 5\10

(OwynTyler) #28

Usual story in a serie of images:

(x3mytiz) #29

August 2, 2017 8:54:40 PM
Dockyard Ranked Stopwatch
Winning team, the guy before the last one received 2 x First match bonus and 2 x First win bonus. At least this is what I see on match summary.
LE: now everything seems to be ok, no duplicates. And I didn’t restart the game :slight_smile:
LLE: a friend which was in my team on that match, he can also see the duplicates.

(Wolven) #30
  • Type of Bug: Graphical

  • Description: Stokers Spike of Death

  • Video / Screenshot:

  • Steps to reproduce: Kill Stoker

  • Result: “Spike” protruding from Stokers corpse

  • Expected result: No Spike

  • Reproduction rate: 10/10