First Impressions:
Game feels a lot smoother.
Phoenix with the KEK-10 is amazing. Phoenix feels like all other medic should feel especially Sparks…
The ability to insta heal gives him the ability to get to a downed body and stay alive.
I do notice he does run out of ammo very fast do you cant just sit and camp with him and also his heal is really only good for once every 2 fire fights.
The Self Revive is nice and really only useful if you are downed from a far range or your team pushed up around you and pushes the enemy back.
All in All Phoenix reminds me of the good ole ET days and is extremely fun to play. Like I said before he is how the medic roll should be played and feel.
I also noticed some hud cleaning and less broken images. Nice work.
I have a read only CFG for my “G” weapons inspection does not work. Oh well haha… No Biggie…
In game Reporting seems awesome!!! I personally havent used it yet but I have heard other people have
If indeed private matches can not start until 6 people that should be changed ASAP. I would think 1 person and putz around in a server make strats and whatnot. If not one then 2 minimum.
AimPunch Feels GREAT!!!
Not a real big fan of the way cases are with the perks attached so gratz on adding more types of cases but they are basically useless. I got my two Bronze Phoenix cards I want and thats really all I need.
Maybe it was due to low player count or something with the servers but my hit register felt great as soon as the Update went live.
Hope this brings back some players and I might hope in some ranked MM later!
New Game Play!!! YES!! Finally Teamwork and Sustained Spawn Pushes!!
***Phoenix ROCKS!!! I hope this merc brings back the Hardcore RTCW and ET players and really make them like this game again. The play style is just great. I also hope that new players find Phoenix a joy to play and maybe SD will see this is how a medic should be; which is slightly OP on the self heal which gives him the ability to better him his team either by getting to them or healing them all while keeping himself alive to help them on a sustained push for 2 or more spawns. That is what DB is missing and phoenix makes this glaring medic offensive weakness apparent. The basic ability to push as a team on offense and break a crossfire is now in the game!!! This merc will now open the door for better team work teams to make a push. No more of this run in and die, run in and die and then hopefully catch the defense at a bad spawn. Im very excited to see what the next cup looks like!