The next Russian Modification SP for RTCW.

(Eugeny) #41

yes, are actually models

(W0lfMan) #42

Very cool! I am looking forward to playing this!

(Dragonji) #43

You misunderstood me, I wanted to know if the models are in MD3 or another format.

(vicpas) #44

They are in MD3 format.

(AidenDemon) #45

Here the official page of Victors on Mod DB. I hope Vicpas will register and join to developer group, to promote game at this site.

(vicpas) #46

Hello, AidenDemon.
I already registered on Mod DB.

(ronboy) #47

Great idea. Let everyone know that Rtcw sp is still alive! :cool:

(AidenDemon) #48

[QUOTE=vicpas;448253]Hello, AidenDemon.
I already registered on Mod DB.[/QUOTE]
Membership invite was sent :slight_smile:

Yes, and i hope to see your mods and maps for RtCW on Mod DB too :slight_smile:

(Dragonji) #49

May we ask what is the progress on this modification? Are you near finish and final release?

(kost3k) #50

Still waiting…

(ronboy) #51

I read somewhere that The Victors will be a standalone game, since the project was too much for the Rtcw engine to handle. Maybe that’s why it’s taking so long?

(Eugeny) #52

Trying to launch on Bers@RtCW

(Mateos) #53

In these modified engines, the lighting is a key element, and here it looks really nice, with precise shadowing :slight_smile:

(ronboy) #54

Very nice Eugeny. I guess the new engine for The Victors will be this “Bers@RTCW”?

(Eugeny) #55

Has not been discussed

(fretn) #56

can someone provide me some more info about this bes@rtcw engine ?

(melc_av) #57

I readed on that The Victors is plyable. In this situation, is not posible that this project to be release and after that if will be make better this be release in better form in future?

(ronboy) #58

I think this is a great idea, if it’s true that The Victors development has stopped.

(vicpas) #59

Hello, fretn.

More info about Berserker engine here:

(colvin3001) #60

any english version of the engine you gave ?:slight_smile: