@Eox said:
First of all, Phantom needs to get the sound he made when he was cloaked back. I don’t even know why this got removed to begin with. Sure, sounds in DB aren’t really that reliable for counterplay, but it would be a good start.
I’m actually fine with there being no sound during cloak, but you should always be able to hear him cloaking and decloaking when you’re close. This also makes the big ears perk have some better use. If you can hear them running past you, then what’s the point of being sneaky? You can’t really sneak if you’re blasting a boombox while invisible.
Then Phantom should absolutely be prevented from being able to attack when invisible right of the bat :
I made some larger post about phantom rework ideas and this was a requirement I listed should phantom ever be full invis
he should be forced to manually cancel the invisibility, which should IMO take a 1s delay.
Considering the TTK for most weapons in this game is .3s or less with perfect aim, even if you leave some room for inaccuracy, a 1s delay would be murder for Phantom. I think .35 or .4s would be a happy medium for the Phantom to still have the air of surprise, but also time for the victim to react if they’re paying attention. The average human reaction time is .2s (200ms) so .4 is more than enough. But it’s still contingent on the existence of decloaking noises. Without a decloaking noise, I could see 1s being more reasonable.
Finally, his invisibility should blink if he gets damaged while invisible, because invisibility shouldn’t be outright a “get out of jail free” card.
Another requirement I listed
Fortunately, I have much more confidence in SD’s ability to react to this feedback and make further changes now than I did a year ago.