The MP Project?!

(neutral1z3r) #1

Hey guys,

I see tons of people out there modding the SP version of RTCW, but what about MP? Is anyone interested in taking some of these mods and moving them to MP? Why can’t we bring this game back up to date? I mean, seriously, Valve has Counterstrike still going strong after 15+ years. This game was and still is 10x better, not to mention the community was awesome. I know you all are still out there. Can we make this happen?

(ronboy) #2

Hello, neutral1z3r. It’s nice to see that some people still care about Rtcw MP. I only have mapped and modded for Rtcw SP in past years, but I recently stopped due to an extreme lull in the community’s interest for SP.
Don’t get me wrong; I like Rtcw MP, but due to problems with it and my PC, I only play Wolf ET, which is still very lively. :slight_smile:
To answer your question, check out the posts on this forum:
The people at that forum are aimed at Rtcw MP mapping and modding. And welcome to the Splash Damage Forums! :smiley:

(neutral1z3r) #3

Cool thanks. I will hit them up. Looks like they are only map people, but I’ll see what I can find. If anyone is interested in participating in an MP project, please drop your info here. I’m in contact with a few people already and am scouring the different mod pages for those who were contributors. Next is OSP.